El Martes, 6 de Mayo de 2008, Karl Newman escribió:
> Sorry, but I think graph-edge relationships would be a step backwards for
> our mappers. It may be nice and technologically advanced, but we already
> have problems with mappers understanding the clockwise/counterclockwise
> rules; do you think they're going to understand graph-edge relationships?

Heck, I don't even understand how to make a relationship for an area with 
holes myself!

Really, I'm aiming at simplifying landuse data and political boundaries, from 
big data imports. I think I had some nightmares importing the landuse data 
from Naga City and this whole idea as a result. Watching the JOSM validator 
tag *all* landuse data as overlapping just doesn't seem right.

> If you can make the tools such that the underlying data model is
> transparent to the user/mapper, then great (maybe), otherwise...

Only complex areas with long adjacent boundaries would be affected. The 
standard mapper/user wouldn't need to learn anything new. I'm also assuming 
that any user that can use JOSM and the validator effectively shouldn't have 
much problems working with relations.

Iván Sánchez Ortega <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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