2008/7/10 Arne Goetje <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Now for Mapnik and Osmarender: we want to add a layer for each language
> code on top of the default rendering layer (which uses English and the
> normal 'name' and 'ref' tags), which uses the localized 'name:$lang' and
> 'ref:$lang' tags and the 'name' and 'ref' tags as fallback.
> How do we do that?

The the fy layer on the NL tileserver I have script that does a
search/replace name -> name:fy and then adjust the query down the
bottom to replace all the "name" columns with:

coalesce("name:fy", "name") as "name:fy"

Coalesce takes the first non-null value, which is what we want here.

Note, it's probably also possible to just change the query down the
bottom and leave the rest of the style alone.

Hope this helps,
Martijn van Oosterhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://svana.org/kleptog/

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