On 05/12/09 01:27, Lars Francke wrote:

> The easiest for now would be to just throw all the GPX files that are
> marked as Identifiable or Public in a compressed file and add a file
> with (XML?) metadata about those traces.

Actually I said tar for a reason, to avoid trying to compress the 
archive which will just waste CPU time without achieving much as the 
traces themselves are already compressed.

> Tom said that we'd lose 25% of all GPX files this way (they are either
> Private or Trackable) but it would be the easiest option for now. In a
> second step we could use the GPS-point data from the database to write
> custom GPX-files that comply with the visibility settings.

The specific counts currently are:

   private - 116458
   trackable - 5410
   public - 324558
   identifiable - 13855


Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)

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