Am 23.12.2009 23:14, schrieb Matthias Julius:
> Frederik Ramm<>  writes:
>> Hi,
>> Greg Oseid wrote:
>>> Are there other stylesheets available besides the osm.xml file that is
>>> included with Mapnik?
>> I think there's a lot of people who have made their own style sheets and
>> who would be willing to share, it's just that we have not agreed on a
>> standard way. We should really have some kind of "platform" where people
>> can upload their styles and others can build their own variants. Could
>> the OSM wiki be used for that, or would it be a case for "put stylesheet
>> in SVN and make an illustrated Wiki page documenting it"?
> One problem with mapnik stylesheets is that they are a chore to work
> with.  Anyone up to implementing a (graphical) stylesheet generator?

To be able to write a stylesheet generator, it will be extremely helpful 
to have more than one stylesheet example to get an idea of what people 
are actually doing with the stylesheets :-)

Regards, ULFL

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