Am 04.01.2010 um 21:54 schrieb Thomas Petazzoni:

> Hello,
> As a new year's present, the MapOSMatic team is proud to announce that
> a new version of the website has been put online, with
> major improvements over the initial version announced in September 2009.


first of all, it's great to see the development and progress of MapOSMatic. I 
had a look at the new features released today and already discussed some of the 
following issues in the project's IRC channel. But to make them available to a 
wider audience I repost them here. I also tried to post to your dev mailing 
list, but it was not reachable from here and simply posting to didn't work.

First, I've spotted a missing space character in the german translation and 
also a complete paragraph missing translation. I then cloned the git 
repository, fixed the missing space and saw that the translation that is 
missing online, is available in the source file. However I was not able to push 
my changes online again. Please consider switching to a popular and widely used 
git network like Github. That would make collaboration a lot easier and we had 
great results using Github for walking-papers for the translations and more. 
The push and pull system there allows everyone to contribute while still 
maintaining a stable version of the website. I'm sure you could attract a lot 
more translators and code contributors there as well.

Anyway, the missing space char is in django.po in the .de directory in line 
299, it should look this way when fixed: 

"Dieser Webservice wurde <i>MapOSMatic</i> genannt,\n"

Another issue I found is the usage of boundary relations. According to the IRC 
you're only using admin_level=8 relations. As you can read in the OSM wiki [1] 
in Germany we also use admin_level=6 for larger cities such as Munich or 
Berlin... Currently searching for them in MapOSMatic doesn't give you a working 
result. I suggest you to expand your system so it firstly searches for 
admin_level=8 relations and in case of no success continues to search for 


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