
Am Montag, 30. August 2010 19:45:20 schrieb Brian Quinion:
> On 30 August 2010 16:33, Torsten Rahn <tac...@t-online.de> wrote:

> > Would there be a way of leaving nominatim support intact via the given
> > API just with more limited capabilities (so that it still works with
> > reduced quality and taking less hardware resources)?
> I think you have confused the services - the nominatim service is not
> being discontinued, rather it is the previous namefinder service that
> is being discontinued.  Namefinder has now been depreciated and not
> updated for just over a year.

Sorry, I was typing "nominatim" when I should have typed "namefinder".

All versions of Marble which get shipped with Linux Distributions are using 
namefinder (and _not_  nominatim). :-(
> nominatim is hosted on nominatim.openstreetmap.org
> I believe that Marble is already using the nominatim service and as
> such this should not require any changes.

Unfortunately the problem still exists.
The only version that has nominatim support is the Marble version that just 
got released a few days ago. However that one is not significantly deployed 
yet. All Linux distributions are still shipping Marble with the namefinder in 
their most recent version. :-( So the issue is going to persist for about the 
next 6 months.

In that light could you answer my other questions?

Best Regards & Thanks in advance,


> --
>  Brian
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