I thought there were already tools for this.  There's the wiki, where
people leave comments like "Complete from Cobb to Bartow county".
There's OpenStreetBugs, where we can mark things like overlapping nodes
that don't connect.  Putting data into these where the robot can't make
a good decision isn't difficult.

If people aren't already using those tools (or others) to know what to
work on in OSM, then how are they doing it?  Blind luck... just pick a
spot on the map and check everything to see if it's right?

FYI - KeepRight already does this, detects dupe nodes, dead-headed 1-ways and much more, and the Skobbler US bug feed flags errors to look at to a lesser extent - nav bug reports often indicate an incorrect topology.

Example 2: One-way roads.  TIGER isn't good about indicating the
directionality of a road, and there are a lot of rural areas that
haven't seen any editing yet.  Consequently, there are a lot of
dual-carriageways that are not marked as oneway=yes.  A robot could make
intelligent guesses at whether the road is a dual-carriageway (two
nearly-parallel roads with the same name, and at both ends only a single
with with the same name continues? hard to imagine what that could be
besides a single-carriageway becoming dual and then reverting to single)
and mark the ways as oneway=yes.

In my experience, a bot could never guess the correct 1-way from TIGER data. For streets other than divided highways, only a survey or public data source used with permission can identify 1-way streets. Adding relations is perhaps the simplest part of all the tasks of Interstate highway editing that must be converted to dual carriageways.

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