
> We are querying data for a bounding box and randomly entries are delivered
>  as 
>           <way id="30134048">
> or
>           <node id="31881194" lat="47.5137295" lon="11.3250178"/>
> The entries are cut before the version attribute. If we query the entries
>  with the id all attributes are delivered. 

I've tried to reproduce this. But all changesets I have receieved have 
complete meta data.

So could you please give more detailed information, in particular

- At what time as exactly as possible have you tried to download? There have 
been an outage on Sunday including a backlog for meta data until Monday 
evening, and I would need to figure out whether it is related to this or not.

- Which query exactly failed?
- Does is fail sometimes or reproducably?
- Are in a damaged response no meta data at all or is it partly missing?

Best regards,


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