On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 10:20 AM, Graham Jones <grahamjones...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am not sure where the database idea comes into it - the xml style file is
> very complicated - are you proposing to include all the parts of that in a
> database to re-generate it?
As I thought, to take values from the user of their choice and then to
move all that values to a database.
and then we can generate any type of file from that.
As I have looked into the style file of osm.xml, it looks like a easy
pattern followed in it.

>  Kompza also mentioned a tool to convert
> between style types, which would be worth looking at.
Yeah I have checked it, A similar idea.

> I think it is a bit simple for what you have in mind, but XML allows you to
> define entities (~=named constants as far as I can tell).   Look at the main
> OSM style - there is an inc/entities.xml.inc file that defines quite a lot.
Got it, Thanks.

> There is not a lot of 'code' in this idea though, so it may not be a good
> GSoC project on its own, unless it were linked to something else to make it
> easier for users to make their own maps.
okay, So I think I should look at some other idea from Ideas list as
the time is very less to submit early proposal.

Thank You.

Parveen Arora
E-Mail: m...@parveenarora.in

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