Hi again

so I see that the tables nodes, ways and rels are temporary tables
resulting from the --slim option (

Does this mean that I can simply empty them regularly? It looks to me like
Mapnik won't need them at all, but I might be wrong?

Thanks in advance,



"Le mot progrès n'aura aucun sens tant qu'il y aura des enfants malheureux"
-- Albert Einstein

"A journey does not need reasons. Before long, it proves to be reason
enough in itself. One thinks that one is going to make a journey, yet soon
it is the journey that makes or unmakes you." -- Nicolas Bouvier

Photos de voyages, photos de montagne: http://www.henriod.info

On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 10:22 AM, Stéphane Henriod <s...@henriod.info> wrote:

> Thanks Jais
> I actually thought of such a solution as well, but it's not ideal, as you
> need to have the full data both in the PostGIS database and as an osm xml
> file.
> If there was a way to apply the bounding box directly to the osc (or to
> get osm2pgsql to actually use the bounding box when applying the diff
> file), that would be much more efficient!
> Cheers,
> Stéphane
> --
> "Le mot progrès n'aura aucun sens tant qu'il y aura des enfants
> malheureux" -- Albert Einstein
> "A journey does not need reasons. Before long, it proves to be reason
> enough in itself. One thinks that one is going to make a journey, yet soon
> it is the journey that makes or unmakes you." -- Nicolas Bouvier
> Photos de voyages, photos de montagne: http://www.henriod.info
> On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 10:16 AM, Jais Pedersen <j...@pedersens.net> wrote:
>> As usual i forgot to send it to the list.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Jais Pedersen <j...@pedersens.net>
>> Date: Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 3:15 PM
>> Subject: Re: [OSM-dev] Osmosis - Cutting out a bounding box from a diff
>> file (.osc)
>> To: Stéphane Henriod <s...@henriod.info>
>> I setup a Vietnam tile server just for fun and I made a script that
>> worked like this:
>> 1. Make a copy of the Vietnam extract.
>> 2. Apply the update to the copy
>> 3. Clip the copy using the Vietnam clip bounds file (I think i made my
>> own from the admin boundary, but it might have been the one from Geofabrik)
>> 4. Make a diff between the original and the copy
>> 5. Apply the diff to the PostGIS database
>> 6 Finally make the copy the new original for next update
>> Unfortunately the server died (it was a retired PC), so I no longer have
>> the script and it never had more than a single digit number of users, so I
>> don't know how it will perform under real load, but for a small (as in the
>> amount of data) extract it seemed to work quite well - I never really
>> checked how it worked with object that grew or was moved across the border,
>> but i suspect that would not be handled so well.
>> I'm planning to setup a new one after the license change, so I would love
>> to hear if anybody has a better way to do it.
>> /Jais
>> On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 2:19 PM, Stéphane Henriod <s...@henriod.info> wrote:
>>> PS: it looks like only the tables
>>>    - planet_osm_rels
>>>    - planet_osm_ways
>>> Get data from outside my bounding box and thus grow extremely quickly.
>>> Don't really know how to interpret this behavior!
>>> --
>>> "Le mot progrès n'aura aucun sens tant qu'il y aura des enfants
>>> malheureux" -- Albert Einstein
>>> "A journey does not need reasons. Before long, it proves to be reason
>>> enough in itself. One thinks that one is going to make a journey, yet soon
>>> it is the journey that makes or unmakes you." -- Nicolas Bouvier
>>> Photos de voyages, photos de montagne: http://www.henriod.info
>>> On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 8:56 AM, Stéphane Henriod <s...@henriod.info> wrote:
>>>> Dear all
>>>> I now have a running process where I dowload the hourly diffs and those
>>>> are applied to the PostGIS database with osm2pgsql.
>>>> My problem is that, despite the *osm2pgsql -b* option, it seems that
>>>> my bounding box is ignored and the full diff file is added to my database,
>>>> As a consequence, the database is growing very quickly and includes lots of
>>>> data outside of my area of interest.
>>>> My question is thus: is it possible to cut out the bounding box from
>>>> the diff file before calling osm2pgsql? If I understand correctly, the
>>>> bounding-box task (
>>>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Osmosis/Detailed_Usage#--bounding-box_.28--bb.29)
>>>> only works on planet files, not diff files. Correct?
>>>> Is there a way to get the following process working:
>>>>    1. Get the last hourly diff file
>>>>    2. Extract from the diff file all the objects within my bounding box
>>>>    3. Apply this to the PostGIS database with osm2pgsql
>>>> Thanks in advance and best wishes
>>>> Stéphane
>>>> --
>>>> "Le mot progrès n'aura aucun sens tant qu'il y aura des enfants
>>>> malheureux" -- Albert Einstein
>>>> "A journey does not need reasons. Before long, it proves to be reason
>>>> enough in itself. One thinks that one is going to make a journey, yet soon
>>>> it is the journey that makes or unmakes you." -- Nicolas Bouvier
>>>> Photos de voyages, photos de montagne: http://www.henriod.info
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