Hi Sylvain

thanks for your anwers!

But it looks like I have a problem now...

   1. I need to keep the tables ways, rels and nodes because of the diff
   2. Those 3 tables will continue growing up with each new diff, until I
   reach the storage capacity of the server

The only solution I see is a post-processing that will erase from PostGIS
all the nodes lying outside my bounding box + all the ways using one of
thses nodes + all the relations using one of thses nodes or one of these

Except if anyone else has a magical solution...


"Le mot progrès n'aura aucun sens tant qu'il y aura des enfants malheureux"
-- Albert Einstein

"A journey does not need reasons. Before long, it proves to be reason
enough in itself. One thinks that one is going to make a journey, yet soon
it is the journey that makes or unmakes you." -- Nicolas Bouvier

Photos de voyages, photos de montagne: http://www.henriod.info

On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 2:29 PM, sly (sylvain letuffe) <li...@letuffe.org>wrote:

> On mercredi 5 septembre 2012, Stéphane Henriod wrote:
> > Hi again
> yo, again,
> > Does this mean that I can simply empty them regularly?
> You can, but then applying diffs won't be possible at all. Those table are
> not
> only used to reduce memory usage of the first import, but also to hold all
> data to solve the problem I mentionned about diffs not having all
> informations of their constituent nodes in order to apply them.
> > It looks to me like
> > Mapnik won't need them at all, but I might be wrong?
> It depends on your mapnik style sheets, but my guess is that there are no
> reasons to use those table for rendering (They don't hold geometries)
> --
> sly
> qui suis-je : http://sly.letuffe.org
> email perso : sylvain chez letuffe un point org
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