> Building such a meta 
> platform is not an easy task because "bugs" are much more than just 
> popup markers on the map - bugs can also be a way, or a collection of 
> ways, or a convex hull around a broken polygon; a good platform will 
> also allow the user to flag those bugs which are false positives. All 
> this in an environment where a multitude of QA providers feed hundreds 
> of thousands of check results into the platform every day.

For your information, osmose http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Osmose (free 
software) developed for and by the french community is doing kind of exactly 
A meta plateforme taking inputs from distant plugins as xml files, false 
positive management, plugin framework (optionnal), redistibution API to 
embeded devices, a JOSM plugin, allready an OpenstreetBugs layer and a quick 

It lacks however the convex hull around buggy areas.

We don't really have the server ressources (yet) to make it available world 
wide, but the software beeing GPL, if I remember correctly, could be re-used 
and upgraded to run at larger scale.

qui suis-je : http://sly.letuffe.org
email perso : sylvain chez letuffe un point org

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