On 10/16/2012 02:32 AM, Dane Springmeyer wrote:
> On Oct 15, 2012, at 4:17 PM, Tom Hughes wrote:
>> One of the problems here is that the person that leads this effort is 
>> primarily a cartographer rather than a developer, and is also on Windows 
>> which tends to lead to various technology issues.
>> I believe I'm right in saying that he doesn't have a working test setup at 
>> the moment since we moved to mapnik 2 and we need to sort that out but 
>> equally moving to git may be an issue because I believe Windows support in 
>> git is a bit patchy.
> Yes, this is my understanding as well. It is on my task list to get a Windows 
> build (with python bindings - that is the missing piece right now) going of 
> Mapnik 2.1 for Steve. Many other people have been asking for this. RE: Git: 
> I've found git support (via msysgit installer) on Windows quite solid, so 
> would be happy to help with that as well if it becomes an issue.

http://code.google.com/p/gitextensions/ works fairly well for the
windows only, point and click crowd.


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