Hi all ,

As I told a long time ago, I am very interested in these extracts, as they
would help me a lot to load history data for LizWatch :

To perform this map of changes, I use the api-db osmosis database,
populated for normal dumps, and some api queries to try to retrieve some
historical changesets data. Dealing with deletes is not that simple,
because osmosis creates fake deletion to keep a bounding box. Before, I
could use the lon/lat of deleted objects to see if there were out of the
bbox (so deleted by osmosis, nor a regular user), but now the api does not
provide long and latitude for deleted objects. I could download the latest
version to get the lon/lat, but it becomes heavier and heavier.

I would like to knwo if someone had already coded a "loader" for the
history dumps into an api-db ? I heard about a plugin for osmosis, or other
scripts, but it seems these tools are alpha.
Should I redevelop a whole python script to read the history and populate a
database, or has someone already something ?

Thanks for advance, and apologies if I am asking for too much :)
(and sorry for my average english...)


2012/10/22 Peter Körner <osm-li...@mazdermind.de>

> Hi
> Am 21.10.2012 20:42, schrieb Martijn van Exel:
>  Also, I was going to make US state and county cuts of this file and
>> possibly make them available on our OSM US server - Peter, my
>> osm-history-splitter is a few months old, any reason to pull and
>> recompile?
> Just get a fresh osmium and splitter just to be on the safe side.
> Peter
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