Sarah Hoffmann <> wrote:

> I'd be very happy to see you step up as maintainer and move the stuff
> to github. I'd feel much more comfortable to submit pull requests to 
> github instead of doing direct SVN commits that nobody even knows 
> about unless the code fails in some annoying way.

I oppose the Idea of moving our software to a commercial platform
(github) but I agree to the rest of your post.

I always have a somewhat uncertain feeling about horribly breaking
something when doing direct commits to osm2pgsql, as I know that
there are people using its single existing trunk version for
production systems.

IMO the real problem is not about tools (git vs. svn) but rather about
a missing concept of how the software is maintained.

Git tends to enforce policy in our context only because we don't have software
maintenance at all.


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