
An example of the kind of thing we'd like to send messages.

 Sending messages that you should try a harder challenge

For example, if the average time to fix a task in challenge foo is 30
seconds, and you only take 20 seconds, maybe you should try something

Sending messages about false fixes

If I claim to have fixed 2000 tasks, but then the server sees that all
2000 still remain as problems, we want to send a message

This isn't an exhaustive list, but it's the kind of thing where we'd
like to reach out to OSM users, and right now, there's no way to do
that without implementing it ourselves.

- Serge

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 10:43 AM, Simon Poole <> wrote:
> Am 05.05.2014 15:52, schrieb Serge Wroclawski:
>> The problem is that we are needing to send messages to users. Ideally,
>> those messages would go through
> Serge,
> what exactly is the use case you are thinking of or better: what
> messages are you thinking of sending? A message API would seem to only
> be required if we are talking about very high volume (a lot more than
> the 100 or so welcome messages I send per month).
> I'not arguing against being able to contact mappers better, quite the
> contrary (I suggested the API extension which allows editors to show you
> how many messages you have), just need to understand what your needs are.
> Simon
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