Hey Olivier,hey Mailing-List,
I cleaned up my repository and text form of the specification with
examples can now be found at 
. The JSON form of the specification can be found in the same tree at 
. Examples of the JSON specification can be found here 
> - The general goals of the transformations
You can find them at 
and the ethic & philosophy as principles at 
(spotted a d instead of t, I apologize for that).
> - Known implementations of transformations rules
I did this not on my own but this seems good 
https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/SomeoneElse/diary/391484 . I linked
to that also earlier at 
> A little roadmap to a working sample
Since the specification is not ready yet I cannot write a script that
works with the specification. Once the specification is ready for its
first launch, once we can start to write scripts.
> - Decision taken to move further
See the bottom of 
, there's a short ToDo which I will extend from time to time.
Ways of contributing to tagtransform:
a) Joining my Slack Workspace and discussing there (The outcomes of the
discussions will be summarized and uploaded in issues or as a part of
an existing one since Slaclk does not provide a good way of
summarizing)b) Creating Pull Requests, Issues, etc. on GitHubc) E-
Mailing me examples of use (Use Cases), improvements of the
specifications. (I will then create issues, make commits and perform
other actions).d) Voice-Over-Audio Calls via Slack, Hangout, Skype,
Jitsi or Telegram.
Why I use Slack:
- Slack is good to start Subthreads- Slack supports chat-style
Why I use GitHub:
- Good for organising code and specifications- Good for work summary-
Good for milestones- Good for bugtracking.
Feel free to use Slack, GitHub, E-Mail or Voice-Over-Audio to
contribute to tagtransform. My personal belief is that using a
combination of them unleashes more potential and more creativity. (More
than one world behaviour aka bridging world workflow). As one, who
beliefs in joy and ease and the Many-worlds interpretation in
communication and creative working, bridging is important and boosts
creativity of individuals. It's part of my spirituality and therefore I
do not force one to use the communication method of my choice. I
provide many possibilities to peace all or many.
As next we need to work on the specification.
Cheers of joy and ease
Sören Reinecke alias Valor Naram
dev mailing list

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