Nov 15, 2020, 19:14 by

> Idea
> Has anyone ever thought of creating an official database that stores all of 
> the approved and in-use tags/features in OSM? 

Depending on what one means by "database" OSM Wiki can be considered as one.

Wikidata copy ( ) is definitely 
How your proposal differs from data items?

> Reasoning
> This could allow the editors (iD and JOSM, StreetComplete, GoMap!) and data 
> consumers (osm-carto,. Mapbox etc.), to easily stay up-to-date with new 
> features, without requiring their developers to browse the Wiki etc.
I see no benefit whatsoever of data items (from perspective of someone involved 
in making 
StreetComplete and was active in osm-carto development).

Browsing Wiki, Taginfo, reviewing how tags are actually used and so on would be 
definitely needed.

> Examples
> Both iD and JOSM have their own preset file/repo and are independent of each 
> other. Creating a database that could be used as a dependency of both that 
> would store these feature presets and their fields means:
>  - Both are up-to-date and in-sync
>  - Adding new presets could be done automatically by retrieving and parsing 
> data from the DB. 
There is a good reason why presets are created manually and not pulled from 
dataset (note that JOSM and iD have separate presets despite that pulling from 
another preset
would be technically possinle)

> Creating applications that use OSM data can be hard and time-lengthened by 
> requiring developers to browse the Wiki to find all of the features and their 
> keys and values. Having a database that they could easily get the keys they 
> want, their values, etc. would > significantly>  allow greater OSM developer 
> potential.
I am unsure what would be difference.

> Specifics
> The specifics as to how this database would be arranged such as to where 
> presets/fields/tags/features go has not been thought of yet. I just wanted to 
> ask if this has ever been proposed before. If someone would like me to make a 
> DB layout to help them better understand what I'm proposing, I'd be happy to 
> do so. 
> My pre-DB construction proposal 
> Before any type of database is made, one would would > construct a dedicated 
> page structure on > <>>  > that 
> would display and be in-sync with all of the Features from the DB in a format 
> similar to the Wiki, and then > remove all of the features from the Wiki 
> altogether.
> Why?>  If you see in > Compiling and distributing the DB>  below, a Wiki bot 
> is going to be required to get all of the pages for all of the 
> already-standard features. Most of the features' pages do have a similar 
> structure as to how they are arranged (template that shows what elements they 
> use, Keys' values and their descriptions are stored in a table, etc.), 
> however these pages would be > impossible>  to parse thoroughly with a 
> computer and are going to require team of humans to get all of their data. 
> New features that are proposed and approved after the database would be 
> created would require them to be hand-added. Making a standard way to propose 
> and approve new features on a new part of the website with formatting 
> constraints and database-syncing abilities that MediaWiki cannot offer, would 
> mean that the DB would never have to be physically touched again and ensure 
> greater long-term DB management efficiency.
> So why basically delete one of the primary functions of the Wiki and create a 
> new system on > <>> ?
> I recently have got into the OSM community head-on in the past two months. I 
> have never really contributed to Wikipedia or any other site that uses the 
> MediaWiki website format so learning about how to contribute and get around 
> the OSM Wiki took time (learning about the proposal process, Templates, talk 
> pages, formatting, the list goes on and on...). It also made me realize that 
> this could discourage new users from ever looking into the depths of OSM or 
> even finding the Wiki at all. The WikiMedia interface is not the prettiest 
> either. It can take time for new users to explore and find what they are 
> looking for.
> (Also, this would mean moving the proposal process over to > 
> <>>  too)
> Therefore, I think creating a easily accessible, pretty, and 
> easily-contributable interface on > <>>  would 
> strengthen the OSM community significantly. For example, a heading called 
> "Features" could be added to the left "GPS traces". It would greet the user 
> with the primary features of OSM (kind of like the "Map features" on the Wiki 
> already does) and Feature pages would have a standard format that is 
> consistent throughout the website (unlike Wiki pages where tables for values 
> can be different, proposals can be different, etc.). Pages could also be 
> "locked", or require a proposal before ever changing any of the contents of 
> their page/feature. This would ensure the DB is secure and uniform with the 
> community's agreement on Features (the database is directly synced and edited 
> through changes on the website) and no "random edits' by users like on the 
> current Wiki would have to tracked (since anyone can directly edit). There 
> are other possible benefits that you could probably think of.
> Also, other pages on the Wiki would not be deleted. There are plenty of great 
> pages on it that have nothing to do with the DB and work well in the open 
> environment the Wiki has to offer.
> Compiling and distributing the DB
> One would probably use a Wiki bot like > 
>>  to get all of the 
> features with Categories "approved" and "in-use" (and "depreciated" as well 
> just to let possible future editors know what to get rid of) and add their 
> Keys and Values, descriptions, what elements they are allowed on (nodes, 
> ways, areas, relations), etc. to the DB.
> A team would have to go through all of their Key Values that don't have Wiki 
> pages and add them to the DB along with their descriptions, etc.
> A team would compare the iD and JOSM present repo and xml file and create a 
> "standard" matching list.
> When the DB is finished, iD and JOSM would use it as a dependency and an 
> announcement would be made to data consumers that it is available for use.
> Feasibility
> This would probably be a huge undertaking and require a funding grant. A plan 
> and dedicated team would be required to ensure all of the tasks are complete 
> and put in-place. I personally think the benefits outweigh the costs, 
> specifically from a developer point-of view. Also, I am not an OSMF member so 
> I'm not sure how much say I would have in making this possible.
> Questions?>  
> Please reply. I like big OSM ideas and am not afraid to get shut-down as I 
> have before with previous ideas. I am clearly a newer contributor, but I hope 
> my ideas and work can foster progress for OSM.
> -- 
> Thanks,
> Seth Deegan (lectrician1)

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