Signed-off-by: Stephen Finucane <>
 FAQ.rst                  |   2 +-
 README.rst               |   2 +-
 tutorial/ |   2 +-
 tutorial/     | 859 ----------------------------------------------
 tutorial/     |   2 +-
 tutorial/tutorial.rst    | 870 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 874 insertions(+), 863 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 tutorial/
 create mode 100644 tutorial/tutorial.rst

diff --git a/FAQ.rst b/FAQ.rst
index cc0f1bd..0e53301 100644
--- a/FAQ.rst
+++ b/FAQ.rst
@@ -2031,7 +2031,7 @@ Q: The "learn" action can't learn the action I want, can 
you improve it?
     - MAC learning in the middle of a pipeline, as described in `the tutorial
-      <tutorial/>`__.
+      <tutorial/tutorial.rst>`__.
     - TCP state based firewalling, by learning outgoing connections based on
       SYN packets and matching them up with incoming packets.
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index a9eb7d9..ff5d3fd 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ To learn how to set up SSL support for Open vSwitch, see 
 To learn about some advanced features of the Open vSwitch software switch, read
-the `tutorial <tutorial/>`__.
+the `tutorial <tutorial/tutorial.rst>`__.
 Each Open vSwitch userspace program is accompanied by a manpage.  Many of the
 manpages are customized to your configuration as part of the build process, so
diff --git a/tutorial/ b/tutorial/
index 129e918..a9f591f 100644
--- a/tutorial/
+++ b/tutorial/
@@ -991,7 +991,7 @@ and `lport2`.
     $ ovn/env8/
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deleted file mode 100644
index fefa8c8..0000000
--- a/tutorial/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,859 +0,0 @@
-Open vSwitch Advanced Features Tutorial
-Many tutorials cover the basics of OpenFlow.  This is not such a
-tutorial.  Rather, a knowledge of the basics of OpenFlow is a
-prerequisite.  If you do not already understand how an OpenFlow flow
-table works, please go read a basic tutorial and then continue reading
-here afterward.
-It is also important to understand the basics of Open vSwitch before
-you begin.  If you have never used `ovs-vsctl` or `ovs-ofctl` before,
-you should learn a little about them before proceeding.
-Most of the features covered in this tutorial are Open vSwitch
-extensions to OpenFlow.  Also, most of the features in this tutorial
-are specific to the software Open vSwitch implementation.  If you are
-using an Open vSwitch port to an ASIC-based hardware switch, this
-tutorial will not help you.
-This tutorial does not cover every aspect of the features that it
-mentions.  You can find the details elsewhere in the Open vSwitch
-documentation, especially `ovs-ofctl(8)` and the comments in the
-`include/openflow/nicira-ext.h` and `include/openvswitch/meta-flow.h`
-header files.
-> In this tutorial, paragraphs set off like this designate notes
-> with additional information that readers may wish to skip on a
-> first read.
-Getting Started
-This is a hands-on tutorial.  To get the most out of it, you will need
-Open vSwitch binaries.  You do not, on the other hand, need any
-physical networking hardware or even supervisor privilege on your
-system.  Instead, we will use a script called `ovs-sandbox`, which
-accompanies the tutorial, that constructs a software simulated network
-environment based on Open vSwitch.
-You can use `ovs-sandbox` three ways:
-  * If you have already installed Open vSwitch on your system, then
-    you should be able to just run `ovs-sandbox` from this directory
-    without any options.
-  * If you have not installed Open vSwitch (and you do not want to
-    install it), then you can build Open vSwitch according to the
-    instructions in [INSTALL.rst], without installing it.  Then run
-    `./ovs-sandbox -b DIRECTORY` from this directory, substituting
-    the Open vSwitch build directory for `DIRECTORY`.
-  * As a slight variant on the latter, you can run `make sandbox`
-    from an Open vSwitch build directory.
-When you run `ovs-sandbox`, it does the following:
-  1. **CAUTION:** Deletes any subdirectory of the current directory
-     named "sandbox" and any files in that directory.
-  2. Creates a new directory "sandbox" in the current directory.
-  3. Sets up special environment variables that ensure that Open
-     vSwitch programs will look inside the "sandbox" directory
-     instead of in the Open vSwitch installation directory.
-  4. If you are using a built but not installed Open vSwitch,
-     installs the Open vSwitch manpages in a subdirectory of
-     "sandbox" and adjusts the `MANPATH` environment variable to point
-     to this directory.  This means that you can use, for example,
-     `man ovs-vsctl` to see a manpage for the `ovs-vsctl` program that
-     you built.
-  5. Creates an empty Open vSwitch configuration database under
-     "sandbox".
-  6. Starts `ovsdb-server` running under "sandbox".
-  7. Starts `ovs-vswitchd` running under "sandbox", passing special
-     options that enable a special "dummy" mode for testing.
-  8. Starts a nested interactive shell inside "sandbox".
-At this point, you can run all the usual Open vSwitch utilities from
-the nested shell environment.  You can, for example, use `ovs-vsctl`
-to create a bridge:
-    ovs-vsctl add-br br0
-From Open vSwitch's perspective, the bridge that you create this way
-is as real as any other.  You can, for example, connect it to an
-OpenFlow controller or use `ovs-ofctl` to examine and modify it and
-its OpenFlow flow table.  On the other hand, the bridge is not visible
-to the operating system's network stack, so `ifconfig` or `ip` cannot
-see it or affect it, which means that utilities like `ping` and
-`tcpdump` will not work either.  (That has its good side, too: you
-can't screw up your computer's network stack by manipulating a
-sandboxed OVS.)
-When you're done using OVS from the sandbox, exit the nested shell (by
-entering the "exit" shell command or pressing Control+D).  This will
-kill the daemons that `ovs-sandbox` started, but it leaves the "sandbox"
-directory and its contents in place.
-The sandbox directory contains log files for the Open vSwitch dameons.
-You can examine them while you're running in the sandboxed environment
-or after you exit.
-Using GDB
-GDB support is not required to go through the tutorial. It is added in case
-user wants to explore the internals of OVS programs.
-GDB can already be used to debug any running process, with the usual
-'gdb <program> <process-id>' command.
-'ovs-sandbox' also has a '-g' option for launching ovs-vswitchd under GDB.
-This option can be handy for setting break points before ovs-vswitchd runs,
-or for catching early segfaults. Similarly, a '-d' option can be used to
-run ovsdb-server under GDB. Both options can be specified at the same time.
-In addition, a '-e' option also launches ovs-vswitchd under GDB. However,
-instead of displaying a 'gdb>' prompt and waiting for user input, ovs-vswitchd
-will start to execute immediately. '-r' option is the corresponding option
-for running ovsdb-server under gdb with immediate execution.
-To avoid GDB mangling with the sandbox sub shell terminal, 'ovs-sandbox'
-starts a new xterm to run each GDB session.  For systems that do not support
-X windows, GDB support is effectively disabled.
-When launching sandbox through the build tree's make file, the '-g' option
-can be passed via the 'SANDBOXFLAGS' environment variable.
-'make sandbox SANDBOXFLAGS=-g' will start the sandbox with ovs-vswitchd
-running under GDB in its own xterm if X is available.
-The goal of this tutorial is to demonstrate the power of Open vSwitch
-flow tables.  The tutorial works through the implementation of a
-MAC-learning switch with VLAN trunk and access ports.  Outside of the
-Open vSwitch features that we will discuss, OpenFlow provides at least
-two ways to implement such a switch:
-  1. An OpenFlow controller to implement MAC learning in a
-     "reactive" fashion.  Whenever a new MAC appears on the switch,
-     or a MAC moves from one switch port to another, the controller
-     adjusts the OpenFlow flow table to match.
-  2. The "normal" action.  OpenFlow defines this action to submit a
-     packet to "the traditional non-OpenFlow pipeline of the
-     switch".  That is, if a flow uses this action, then the packets
-     in the flow go through the switch in the same way that they
-     would if OpenFlow was not configured on the switch.
-Each of these approaches has unfortunate pitfalls.  In the first
-approach, using an OpenFlow controller to implement MAC learning, has
-a significant cost in terms of network bandwidth and latency.  It also
-makes the controller more difficult to scale to large numbers of
-switches, which is especially important in environments with thousands
-of hypervisors (each of which contains a virtual OpenFlow switch).
-MAC learning at an OpenFlow controller also behaves poorly if the
-OpenFlow controller fails, slows down, or becomes unavailable due to
-network problems.
-The second approach, using the "normal" action, has different
-problems.  First, little about the "normal" action is standardized, so
-it behaves differently on switches from different vendors, and the
-available features and how those features are configured (usually not
-through OpenFlow) varies widely.  Second, "normal" does not work well
-with other OpenFlow actions.  It is "all-or-nothing", with little
-potential to adjust its behavior slightly or to compose it with other
-We will construct Open vSwitch flow tables for a VLAN-capable,
-MAC-learning switch that has four ports:
-  * p1, a trunk port that carries all VLANs, on OpenFlow port 1.
-  * p2, an access port for VLAN 20, on OpenFlow port 2.
-  * p3 and p4, both access ports for VLAN 30, on OpenFlow ports 3
-    and 4, respectively.
-> The ports' names are not significant.  You could call them eth1
-> through eth4, or any other names you like.
-> An OpenFlow switch always has a "local" port as well.  This
-> scenario won't use the local port.
-Our switch design will consist of five main flow tables, each of which
-implements one stage in the switch pipeline:
-  Table 0: Admission control.
-  Table 1: VLAN input processing.
-  Table 2: Learn source MAC and VLAN for ingress port.
-  Table 3: Look up learned port for destination MAC and VLAN.
-  Table 4: Output processing.
-The section below describes how to set up the scenario, followed by a
-section for each OpenFlow table.
-You can cut and paste the `ovs-vsctl` and `ovs-ofctl` commands in each
-of the sections below into your `ovs-sandbox` shell.  They are also
-available as shell scripts in this directory, named `t-setup`, `t-stage0`,
-`t-stage1`, ..., `t-stage4`.  The `ovs-appctl` test commands are intended
-for cutting and pasting and are not supplied separately.
-To get started, start `ovs-sandbox`.  Inside the interactive shell
-that it starts, run this command:
-    ovs-vsctl add-br br0 -- set Bridge br0 fail-mode=secure
-This command creates a new bridge "br0" and puts "br0" into so-called
-"fail-secure" mode.  For our purpose, this just means that the
-OpenFlow flow table starts out empty.
-> If we did not do this, then the flow table would start out with a
-> single flow that executes the "normal" action.  We could use that
-> feature to yield a switch that behaves the same as the switch we
-> are currently building, but with the caveats described under
-> "Motivation" above.)
-The new bridge has only one port on it so far, the "local port" br0.
-We need to add p1, p2, p3, and p4.  A shell "for" loop is one way to
-do it:
-    for i in 1 2 3 4; do
-        ovs-vsctl add-port br0 p$i -- set Interface p$i ofport_request=$i
-             ovs-ofctl mod-port br0 p$i up
-    done
-In addition to adding a port, the `ovs-vsctl` command above sets its
-"ofport_request" column to ensure that port p1 is assigned OpenFlow
-port 1, p2 is assigned OpenFlow port 2, and so on.
-> We could omit setting the ofport_request and let Open vSwitch
-> choose port numbers for us, but it's convenient for the purposes
-> of this tutorial because we can talk about OpenFlow port 1 and
-> know that it corresponds to p1.
-The `ovs-ofctl` command above brings up the simulated interfaces, which
-are down initially, using an OpenFlow request.  The effect is similar
-to `ifconfig up`, but the sandbox's interfaces are not visible to the
-operating system and therefore `ifconfig` would not affect them.
-We have not configured anything related to VLANs or MAC learning.
-That's because we're going to implement those features in the flow
-To see what we've done so far to set up the scenario, you can run a
-command like `ovs-vsctl show` or `ovs-ofctl show br0`.
-Implementing Table 0: Admission control
-Table 0 is where packets enter the switch.  We use this stage to
-discard packets that for one reason or another are invalid.  For
-example, packets with a multicast source address are not valid, so we
-can add a flow to drop them at ingress to the switch with:
-    ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 \
-        "table=0, dl_src=01:00:00:00:00:00/01:00:00:00:00:00, actions=drop"
-A switch should also not forward IEEE 802.1D Spanning Tree Protocol
-(STP) packets, so we can also add a flow to drop those and other
-packets with reserved multicast protocols:
-    ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 \
-        "table=0, dl_dst=01:80:c2:00:00:00/ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:f0, actions=drop"
-We could add flows to drop other protocols, but these demonstrate the
-We need one more flow, with a priority lower than the default, so that
-flows that don't match either of the "drop" flows we added above go on
-to pipeline stage 1 in OpenFlow table 1:
-    ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 "table=0, priority=0, actions=resubmit(,1)"
-(The "resubmit" action is an Open vSwitch extension to OpenFlow.)
-### Testing Table 0
-If we were using Open vSwitch to set up a physical or a virtual
-switch, then we would naturally test it by sending packets through it
-one way or another, perhaps with common network testing tools like
-`ping` and `tcpdump` or more specialized tools like Scapy.  That's
-difficult with our simulated switch, since it's not visible to the
-operating system.
-But our simulated switch has a few specialized testing tools.  The
-most powerful of these tools is `ofproto/trace`.  Given a switch and
-the specification of a flow, `ofproto/trace` shows, step-by-step, how
-such a flow would be treated as it goes through the switch.
-### EXAMPLE 1
-Try this command:
-    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 in_port=1,dl_dst=01:80:c2:00:00:05
-The output should look something like this:
-    Flow: 
-    Rule: table=0 cookie=0 dl_dst=01:80:c2:00:00:00/ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:f0
-    OpenFlow actions=drop
-    Final flow: unchanged
-    Datapath actions: drop
-The first block of lines describes an OpenFlow table lookup.  The
-first line shows the fields used for the table lookup (which is mostly
-zeros because that's the default if we don't specify everything).  The
-second line gives the OpenFlow flow that the fields matched (called a
-"rule" because that is the name used inside Open vSwitch for an
-OpenFlow flow).  In this case, we see that this packet that has a
-reserved multicast destination address matches the rule that drops
-those packets.  The third line gives the rule's OpenFlow actions.
-The second block of lines summarizes the results, which are not very
-interesting here.
-### EXAMPLE 2
-Try another command:
-    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 in_port=1,dl_dst=01:80:c2:00:00:10
-The output should be:
-    Flow: 
-    Rule: table=0 cookie=0 priority=0
-    OpenFlow actions=resubmit(,1)
-           Resubmitted flow: unchanged
-           Resubmitted regs: reg0=0x0 reg1=0x0 reg2=0x0 reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 
reg5=0x0 reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0
-           Resubmitted  odp: drop
-           No match
-    Final flow: unchanged
-    Datapath actions: drop
-This time the flow we handed to `ofproto/trace` doesn't match any of
-our "drop" rules, so it falls through to the low-priority "resubmit"
-rule, which we see in the rule and the actions selected in the first
-block.  The "resubmit" causes a second lookup in OpenFlow table 1,
-described by the additional block of indented text in the output.  We
-haven't yet added any flows to OpenFlow table 1, so no flow actually
-matches in the second lookup.  Therefore, the packet is still actually
-dropped, which means that the externally observable results would be
-identical to our first example.
-Implementing Table 1: VLAN Input Processing
-A packet that enters table 1 has already passed basic validation in
-table 0.  The purpose of table 1 is validate the packet's VLAN, based
-on the VLAN configuration of the switch port through which the packet
-entered the switch.  We will also use it to attach a VLAN header to
-packets that arrive on an access port, which allows later processing
-stages to rely on the packet's VLAN always being part of the VLAN
-header, reducing special cases.
-Let's start by adding a low-priority flow that drops all packets,
-before we add flows that pass through acceptable packets.  You can
-think of this as a "default drop" rule:
-    ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 "table=1, priority=0, actions=drop"
-Our trunk port p1, on OpenFlow port 1, is an easy case.  p1 accepts
-any packet regardless of whether it has a VLAN header or what the VLAN
-was, so we can add a flow that resubmits everything on input port 1 to
-the next table:
-    ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 \
-        "table=1, priority=99, in_port=1, actions=resubmit(,2)"
-On the access ports, we want to accept any packet that has no VLAN
-header, tag it with the access port's VLAN number, and then pass it
-along to the next stage:
-    ovs-ofctl add-flows br0 - <<'EOF'
-         table=1, priority=99, in_port=2, vlan_tci=0, actions=mod_vlan_vid:20, 
-         table=1, priority=99, in_port=3, vlan_tci=0, actions=mod_vlan_vid:30, 
-         table=1, priority=99, in_port=4, vlan_tci=0, actions=mod_vlan_vid:30, 
-    EOF
-We don't write any rules that match packets with 802.1Q that enter
-this stage on any of the access ports, so the "default drop" rule we
-added earlier causes them to be dropped, which is ordinarily what we
-want for access ports.
-> Another variation of access ports allows ingress of packets tagged
-> with VLAN 0 (aka 802.1p priority tagged packets).  To allow such
-> packets, replace "vlan_tci=0" by "vlan_tci=0/0xfff" above.
-### Testing Table 1
-`ofproto/trace` allows us to test the ingress VLAN rules that we added
-### EXAMPLE 1: Packet on Trunk Port
-Here's a test of a packet coming in on the trunk port:
-    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 in_port=1,vlan_tci=5
-The output shows the lookup in table 0, the resubmit to table 1, and
-the resubmit to table 2 (which does nothing because we haven't put
-anything there yet):
-    Flow: 
-    Rule: table=0 cookie=0 priority=0
-    OpenFlow actions=resubmit(,1)
-           Resubmitted flow: unchanged
-           Resubmitted regs: reg0=0x0 reg1=0x0 reg2=0x0 reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 
reg5=0x0 reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0
-           Resubmitted  odp: drop
-           Rule: table=1 cookie=0 priority=99,in_port=1
-           OpenFlow actions=resubmit(,2)
-                   Resubmitted flow: unchanged
-                   Resubmitted regs: reg0=0x0 reg1=0x0 reg2=0x0 reg3=0x0 
reg4=0x0 reg5=0x0 reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0
-                   Resubmitted  odp: drop
-                   No match
-    Final flow: unchanged
-    Datapath actions: drop
-### EXAMPLE 2: Valid Packet on Access Port
-Here's a test of a valid packet (a packet without an 802.1Q header)
-coming in on access port p2:
-    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 in_port=2
-The output is similar to that for the previous case, except that it
-additionally tags the packet with p2's VLAN 20 before it passes it
-along to table 2:
-    Flow: 
-    Rule: table=0 cookie=0 priority=0
-    OpenFlow actions=resubmit(,1)
-           Resubmitted flow: unchanged
-           Resubmitted regs: reg0=0x0 reg1=0x0 reg2=0x0 reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 
reg5=0x0 reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0
-           Resubmitted  odp: drop
-           Rule: table=1 cookie=0 priority=99,in_port=2,vlan_tci=0x0000
-           OpenFlow actions=mod_vlan_vid:20,resubmit(,2)
-                   Resubmitted flow: 
-                   Resubmitted regs: reg0=0x0 reg1=0x0 reg2=0x0 reg3=0x0 
reg4=0x0 reg5=0x0 reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0
-                   Resubmitted  odp: drop
-                   No match
-    Final flow: unchanged
-    Datapath actions: drop
-### EXAMPLE 3: Invalid Packet on Access Port
-This tests an invalid packet (one that includes an 802.1Q header)
-coming in on access port p2:
-    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 in_port=2,vlan_tci=5
-The output shows the packet matching the default drop rule:
-    Flow: 
-    Rule: table=0 cookie=0 priority=0
-    OpenFlow actions=resubmit(,1)
-           Resubmitted flow: unchanged
-           Resubmitted regs: reg0=0x0 reg1=0x0 reg2=0x0 reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 
reg5=0x0 reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0
-           Resubmitted  odp: drop
-           Rule: table=1 cookie=0 priority=0
-           OpenFlow actions=drop
-    Final flow: unchanged
-    Datapath actions: drop
-Implementing Table 2: MAC+VLAN Learning for Ingress Port
-This table allows the switch we're implementing to learn that the
-packet's source MAC is located on the packet's ingress port in the
-packet's VLAN.
-> This table is a good example why table 1 added a VLAN tag to
-> packets that entered the switch through an access port.  We want
-> to associate a MAC+VLAN with a port regardless of whether the VLAN
-> in question was originally part of the packet or whether it was an
-> assumed VLAN associated with an access port.
-It only takes a single flow to do this.  The following command adds
-    ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 \
-        "table=2 actions=learn(table=10, NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[0..11], \
-                               NXM_OF_ETH_DST[]=NXM_OF_ETH_SRC[], \
-                               load:NXM_OF_IN_PORT[]->NXM_NX_REG0[0..15]), \
-                         resubmit(,3)"
-The "learn" action (an Open vSwitch extension to OpenFlow) modifies a
-flow table based on the content of the flow currently being processed.
-Here's how you can interpret each part of the "learn" action above:
-    table=10
-        Modify flow table 10.  This will be the MAC learning table.
-    NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[0..11]
-        Make the flow that we add to flow table 10 match the same VLAN
-        ID that the packet we're currently processing contains.  This
-        effectively scopes the MAC learning entry to a single VLAN,
-        which is the ordinary behavior for a VLAN-aware switch.
-        Make the flow that we add to flow table 10 match, as Ethernet
-        destination, the Ethernet source address of the packet we're
-        currently processing.
-    load:NXM_OF_IN_PORT[]->NXM_NX_REG0[0..15]
-        Whereas the preceding parts specify fields for the new flow to
-        match, this specifies an action for the flow to take when it
-        matches.  The action is for the flow to load the ingress port
-        number of the current packet into register 0 (a special field
-        that is an Open vSwitch extension to OpenFlow).
-> A real use of "learn" for MAC learning would probably involve two
-> additional elements.  First, the "learn" action would specify a
-> hard_timeout for the new flow, to enable a learned MAC to
-> eventually expire if no new packets were seen from a given source
-> within a reasonable interval.  Second, one would usually want to
-> limit resource consumption by using the Flow_Table table in the
-> Open vSwitch configuration database to specify a maximum number of
-> flows in table 10.
-This definitely calls for examples.
-### Testing Table 2
-### EXAMPLE 1
-Try the following test command:
-    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 
in_port=1,vlan_tci=20,dl_src=50:00:00:00:00:01 -generate
-The output shows that "learn" was executed, but it isn't otherwise
-informative, so we won't include it here.
-The `-generate` keyword is new.  Ordinarily, `ofproto/trace` has no
-side effects: "output" actions do not actually output packets, "learn"
-actions do not actually modify the flow table, and so on.  With
-`-generate`, though, `ofproto/trace` does execute "learn" actions.
-That's important now, because we want to see the effect of the "learn"
-action on table 10.  You can see that by running:
-    ovs-ofctl dump-flows br0 table=10
-which (omitting the "duration" and "idle_age" fields, which will vary
-based on how soon you ran this command after the previous one, as well
-as some other uninteresting fields) prints something like:
-    NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
-     table=10, vlan_tci=0x0014/0x0fff,dl_dst=50:00:00:00:00:01 
-You can see that the packet coming in on VLAN 20 with source MAC
-50:00:00:00:00:01 became a flow that matches VLAN 20 (written in
-hexadecimal) and destination MAC 50:00:00:00:00:01.  The flow loads
-port number 1, the input port for the flow we tested, into register 0.
-### EXAMPLE 2
-Here's a second test command:
-    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 in_port=2,dl_src=50:00:00:00:00:01 -generate
-The flow that this command tests has the same source MAC and VLAN as
-example 1, although the VLAN comes from an access port VLAN rather
-than an 802.1Q header.  If we again dump the flows for table 10 with:
-    ovs-ofctl dump-flows br0 table=10
-then we see that the flow we saw previously has changed to indicate
-that the learned port is port 2, as we would expect:
-    NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
-     table=10, vlan_tci=0x0014/0x0fff,dl_dst=50:00:00:00:00:01 
-Implementing Table 3: Look Up Destination Port
-This table figures out what port we should send the packet to based on
-the destination MAC and VLAN.  That is, if we've learned the location
-of the destination (from table 2 processing some previous packet with
-that destination as its source), then we want to send the packet
-We need only one flow to do the lookup:
-    ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 \
-        "table=3 priority=50 actions=resubmit(,10), resubmit(,4)"
-The flow's first action resubmits to table 10, the table that the
-"learn" action modifies.  As you saw previously, the learned flows in
-this table write the learned port into register 0.  If the destination
-for our packet hasn't been learned, then there will be no matching
-flow, and so the "resubmit" turns into a no-op.  Because registers are
-initialized to 0, we can use a register 0 value of 0 in our next
-pipeline stage as a signal to flood the packet.
-The second action resubmits to table 4, continuing to the next
-pipeline stage.
-We can add another flow to skip the learning table lookup for
-multicast and broadcast packets, since those should always be flooded:
-    ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 \
-        "table=3 priority=99 dl_dst=01:00:00:00:00:00/01:00:00:00:00:00 \
-          actions=resubmit(,4)"
-> We don't strictly need to add this flow, because multicast
-> addresses will never show up in our learning table.  (In turn,
-> that's because we put a flow into table 0 to drop packets that
-> have a multicast source address.)
-### Testing Table 3
-Here's a command that should cause OVS to learn that f0:00:00:00:00:01
-is on p1 in VLAN 20:
-    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 
in_port=1,dl_vlan=20,dl_src=f0:00:00:00:00:01,dl_dst=90:00:00:00:00:01 -generate
-Here's an excerpt from the output that shows (from the "no match"
-looking up the resubmit to table 10) that the flow's destination was
-                       Resubmitted flow: unchanged
-                       Resubmitted regs: reg0=0x0 reg1=0x0 reg2=0x0 reg3=0x0 
reg4=0x0 reg5=0x0 reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0
-                       Resubmitted  odp: drop
-                       Rule: table=3 cookie=0 priority=50
-                       OpenFlow actions=resubmit(,10),resubmit(,4)
-                               Resubmitted flow: unchanged
-                               Resubmitted regs: reg0=0x0 reg1=0x0 reg2=0x0 
reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 reg5=0x0 reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0
-                               Resubmitted  odp: drop
-                               No match
-You can verify that the packet's source was learned two ways.  The
-most direct way is to dump the learning table with:
-    ovs-ofctl dump-flows br0 table=10
-which ought to show roughly the following, with extraneous details
-    table=10, vlan_tci=0x0014/0x0fff,dl_dst=f0:00:00:00:00:01 
-> If you tried the examples for the previous step, or if you did
-> some of your own experiments, then you might see additional flows
-> there.  These additional flows are harmless.  If they bother you,
-> then you can remove them with `ovs-ofctl del-flows br0 table=10`.
-The other way is to inject a packet to take advantage of the learning
-entry.  For example, we can inject a packet on p2 whose destination is
-the MAC address that we just learned on p1:
-    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 
in_port=2,dl_src=90:00:00:00:00:01,dl_dst=f0:00:00:00:00:01 -generate
-Here's an interesting excerpt from that command's output.  This group
-of lines traces the "resubmit(,10)", showing that the packet matched
-the learned flow for the first MAC we used, loading the OpenFlow port
-number for the learned port p1 into register 0:
-                               Resubmitted flow: unchanged
-                               Resubmitted regs: reg0=0x0 reg1=0x0 reg2=0x0 
reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 reg5=0x0 reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0
-                               Resubmitted  odp: drop
-                               Rule: table=10 cookie=0 
-                               OpenFlow actions=load:0x1->NXM_NX_REG0[0..15]
-If you read the commands above carefully, then you might have noticed
-that they simply have the Ethernet source and destination addresses
-exchanged.  That means that if we now rerun the first `ovs-appctl`
-command above, e.g.:
-    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 
in_port=1,dl_vlan=20,dl_src=f0:00:00:00:00:01,dl_dst=90:00:00:00:00:01 -generate
-then we see in the output that the destination has now been learned:
-                               Resubmitted flow: unchanged
-                               Resubmitted regs: reg0=0x0 reg1=0x0 reg2=0x0 
reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 reg5=0x0 reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0
-                               Resubmitted  odp: drop
-                               Rule: table=10 cookie=0 
-                               OpenFlow actions=load:0x2->NXM_NX_REG0[0..15]
-Implementing Table 4: Output Processing
-At entry to stage 4, we know that register 0 contains either the
-desired output port or is zero if the packet should be flooded.  We
-also know that the packet's VLAN is in its 802.1Q header, even if the
-VLAN was implicit because the packet came in on an access port.
-The job of the final pipeline stage is to actually output packets.
-The job is trivial for output to our trunk port p1:
-    ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 "table=4 reg0=1 actions=1"
-For output to the access ports, we just have to strip the VLAN header
-before outputting the packet:
-    ovs-ofctl add-flows br0 - <<'EOF'
-    table=4 reg0=2 actions=strip_vlan,2
-    table=4 reg0=3 actions=strip_vlan,3
-    table=4 reg0=4 actions=strip_vlan,4
-    EOF
-The only slightly tricky part is flooding multicast and broadcast
-packets and unicast packets with unlearned destinations.  For those,
-we need to make sure that we only output the packets to the ports that
-carry our packet's VLAN, and that we include the 802.1Q header in the
-copy output to the trunk port but not in copies output to access
-    ovs-ofctl add-flows br0 - <<'EOF'
-    table=4 reg0=0 priority=99 dl_vlan=20 actions=1,strip_vlan,2
-    table=4 reg0=0 priority=99 dl_vlan=30 actions=1,strip_vlan,3,4
-    table=4 reg0=0 priority=50            actions=1
-    EOF
-> Our rules rely on the standard OpenFlow behavior that an output
-> action will not forward a packet back out the port it came in on.
-> That is, if a packet comes in on p1, and we've learned that the
-> packet's destination MAC is also on p1, so that we end up with
-> "actions=1" as our actions, the switch will not forward the packet
-> back out its input port.  The multicast/broadcast/unknown
-> destination cases above also rely on this behavior.
-### Testing Table 4
-### EXAMPLE 1: Broadcast, Multicast, and Unknown Destination
-Try tracing a broadcast packet arriving on p1 in VLAN 30:
-    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 in_port=1,dl_dst=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff,dl_vlan=30
-The interesting part of the output is the final line, which shows that
-the switch would remove the 802.1Q header and then output the packet to
-p3 and p4, which are access ports for VLAN 30:
-    Datapath actions: pop_vlan,3,4
-Similarly, if we trace a broadcast packet arriving on p3:
-    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 in_port=3,dl_dst=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
-then we see that it is output to p1 with an 802.1Q tag and then to p4
-without one:
-    Datapath actions: push_vlan(vid=30,pcp=0),1,pop_vlan,4
-> Open vSwitch could simplify the datapath actions here to just
-> "4,push_vlan(vid=30,pcp=0),1" but it is not smart enough to do so.
-The following are also broadcasts, but the result is to drop the
-packets because the VLAN only belongs to the input port:
-    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 in_port=1,dl_dst=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
-    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 in_port=1,dl_dst=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff,dl_vlan=55
-Try some other broadcast cases on your own:
-    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 in_port=1,dl_dst=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff,dl_vlan=20
-    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 in_port=2,dl_dst=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
-    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 in_port=4,dl_dst=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
-You can see the same behavior with multicast packets and with unicast
-packets whose destination has not been learned, e.g.:
-    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 in_port=4,dl_dst=01:00:00:00:00:00
-    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 in_port=1,dl_dst=90:12:34:56:78:90,dl_vlan=20
-    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 in_port=1,dl_dst=90:12:34:56:78:90,dl_vlan=30
-### EXAMPLE 2: MAC Learning
-Let's follow the same pattern as we did for table 3.  First learn a
-MAC on port p1 in VLAN 30:
-    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 
in_port=1,dl_vlan=30,dl_src=10:00:00:00:00:01,dl_dst=20:00:00:00:00:01 -generate
-You can see from the last line of output that the packet's destination
-is unknown, so it gets flooded to both p3 and p4, the other ports in
-VLAN 30:
-    Datapath actions: pop_vlan,3,4
-Then reverse the MACs and learn the first flow's destination on port
-    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 
in_port=4,dl_src=20:00:00:00:00:01,dl_dst=10:00:00:00:00:01 -generate
-The last line of output shows that the this packet's destination is
-known to be p1, as learned from our previous command:
-    Datapath actions: push_vlan(vid=30,pcp=0),1
-Now, if we rerun our first command:
-    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 
in_port=1,dl_vlan=30,dl_src=10:00:00:00:00:01,dl_dst=20:00:00:00:00:01 -generate
-we can see that the result is no longer a flood but to the specified
-learned destination port p4:
-    Datapath actions: pop_vlan,4
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-       tutorial/ \
+       tutorial/tutorial.rst \
        tutorial/ovs-sandbox \
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+      Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+      not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+      a copy of the License at
+      Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+      distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+      WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+      License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+      under the License.
+      Convention for heading levels in Open vSwitch documentation:
+      =======  Heading 0 (reserved for the title in a document)
+      -------  Heading 1
+      ~~~~~~~  Heading 2
+      +++++++  Heading 3
+      '''''''  Heading 4
+      Avoid deeper levels because they do not render well.
+Open vSwitch Advanced Features Tutorial
+Many tutorials cover the basics of OpenFlow.  This is not such a tutorial.
+Rather, a knowledge of the basics of OpenFlow is a prerequisite.  If you do not
+already understand how an OpenFlow flow table works, please go read a basic
+tutorial and then continue reading here afterward.
+It is also important to understand the basics of Open vSwitch before you begin.
+If you have never used ovs-vsctl or ovs-ofctl before, you should learn a little
+about them before proceeding.
+Most of the features covered in this tutorial are Open vSwitch extensions to
+OpenFlow.  Also, most of the features in this tutorial are specific to the
+software Open vSwitch implementation.  If you are using an Open vSwitch port to
+an ASIC-based hardware switch, this tutorial will not help you.
+This tutorial does not cover every aspect of the features that it mentions.
+You can find the details elsewhere in the Open vSwitch documentation,
+especially ``ovs-ofctl(8)`` and the comments in the
+``include/openflow/nicira-ext.h`` and ``include/openvswitch/meta-flow.h``
+header files.
+Getting Started
+This is a hands-on tutorial.  To get the most out of it, you will need Open
+vSwitch binaries.  You do not, on the other hand, need any physical networking
+hardware or even supervisor privilege on your system.  Instead, we will use a
+script called ``ovs-sandbox``, which accompanies the tutorial, that constructs
+a software simulated network environment based on Open vSwitch.
+You can use ``ovs-sandbox`` three ways:
+* If you have already installed Open vSwitch on your system, then you should be
+  able to just run ``ovs-sandbox`` from this directory without any options.
+* If you have not installed Open vSwitch (and you do not want to install it),
+  then you can build Open vSwitch according to the instructions in the
+  `installation guide <INSTALL.rst>`__, without installing it.  Then run
+  ``./ovs-sandbox -b DIRECTORY`` from this directory, substituting the Open
+  vSwitch build directory for ``DIRECTORY``.
+* As a slight variant on the latter, you can run ``make sandbox`` from an Open
+  vSwitch build directory.
+When you run ``ovs-sandbox``, it does the following:
+1. **CAUTION:** Deletes any subdirectory of the current directory named
+   "sandbox" and any files in that directory.
+2. Creates a new directory "sandbox" in the current directory.
+3. Sets up special environment variables that ensure that Open vSwitch programs
+   will look inside the "sandbox" directory instead of in the Open vSwitch
+   installation directory.
+4. If you are using a built but not installed Open vSwitch, installs the Open
+   vSwitch manpages in a subdirectory of "sandbox" and adjusts the ``MANPATH``
+   environment variable to point to this directory.  This means that you can
+   use, for example, ``man ovs-vsctl`` to see a manpage for the ``ovs-vsctl``
+   program that you built.
+5. Creates an empty Open vSwitch configuration database under "sandbox".
+6. Starts ``ovsdb-server`` running under "sandbox".
+7. Starts ``ovs-vswitchd`` running under "sandbox", passing special options
+   that enable a special "dummy" mode for testing.
+8. Starts a nested interactive shell inside "sandbox".
+At this point, you can run all the usual Open vSwitch utilities from the nested
+shell environment.  You can, for example, use ``ovs-vsctl`` to create a bridge:
+    $ ovs-vsctl add-br br0
+From Open vSwitch's perspective, the bridge that you create this way is as real
+as any other.  You can, for example, connect it to an OpenFlow controller or
+use ``ovs-ofctl`` to examine and modify it and its OpenFlow flow table.  On the
+other hand, the bridge is not visible to the operating system's network stack,
+so ``ifconfig`` or ``ip`` cannot see it or affect it, which means that
+utilities like ``ping`` and ``tcpdump`` will not work either.  (That has its
+good side, too: you can't screw up your computer's network stack by
+manipulating a sandboxed OVS.)
+When you're done using OVS from the sandbox, exit the nested shell (by entering
+the "exit" shell command or pressing Control+D).  This will kill the daemons
+that ``ovs-sandbox`` started, but it leaves the "sandbox" directory and its
+contents in place.
+The sandbox directory contains log files for the Open vSwitch dameons.  You can
+examine them while you're running in the sandboxed environment or after you
+Using GDB
+GDB support is not required to go through the tutorial. It is added in case
+user wants to explore the internals of OVS programs.
+GDB can already be used to debug any running process, with the usual
+``gdb <program> <process-id>`` command.
+``ovs-sandbox`` also has a ``-g`` option for launching ovs-vswitchd under GDB.
+This option can be handy for setting break points before ovs-vswitchd runs, or
+for catching early segfaults. Similarly, a ``-d`` option can be used to run
+ovsdb-server under GDB. Both options can be specified at the same time.
+In addition, a ``-e`` option also launches ovs-vswitchd under GDB. However,
+instead of displaying a ``gdb>`` prompt and waiting for user input,
+ovs-vswitchd will start to execute immediately. ``-r`` option is the
+corresponding option for running ovsdb-server under gdb with immediate
+To avoid GDB mangling with the sandbox sub shell terminal, ``ovs-sandbox``
+starts a new xterm to run each GDB session.  For systems that do not support X
+windows, GDB support is effectively disabled.
+When launching sandbox through the build tree's make file, the ``-g`` option
+can be passed via the ``SANDBOXFLAGS`` environment variable.  ``make sandbox
+SANDBOXFLAGS=-g`` will start the sandbox with ovs-vswitchd running under GDB in
+its own xterm if X is available.
+The goal of this tutorial is to demonstrate the power of Open vSwitch flow
+tables.  The tutorial works through the implementation of a MAC-learning switch
+with VLAN trunk and access ports.  Outside of the Open vSwitch features that we
+will discuss, OpenFlow provides at least two ways to implement such a switch:
+1. An OpenFlow controller to implement MAC learning in a "reactive" fashion.
+   Whenever a new MAC appears on the switch, or a MAC moves from one switch
+   port to another, the controller adjusts the OpenFlow flow table to match.
+2. The "normal" action.  OpenFlow defines this action to submit a packet to
+   "the traditional non-OpenFlow pipeline of the switch".  That is, if a flow
+   uses this action, then the packets in the flow go through the switch in the
+   same way that they would if OpenFlow was not configured on the switch.
+Each of these approaches has unfortunate pitfalls.  In the first approach,
+using an OpenFlow controller to implement MAC learning, has a significant cost
+in terms of network bandwidth and latency.  It also makes the controller more
+difficult to scale to large numbers of switches, which is especially important
+in environments with thousands of hypervisors (each of which contains a virtual
+OpenFlow switch).  MAC learning at an OpenFlow controller also behaves poorly
+if the OpenFlow controller fails, slows down, or becomes unavailable due to
+network problems.
+The second approach, using the "normal" action, has different problems.  First,
+little about the "normal" action is standardized, so it behaves differently on
+switches from different vendors, and the available features and how those
+features are configured (usually not through OpenFlow) varies widely.  Second,
+"normal" does not work well with other OpenFlow actions.  It is
+"all-or-nothing", with little potential to adjust its behavior slightly or to
+compose it with other features.
+We will construct Open vSwitch flow tables for a VLAN-capable,
+MAC-learning switch that has four ports:
+  a trunk port that carries all VLANs, on OpenFlow port 1.
+  an access port for VLAN 20, on OpenFlow port 2.
+p3, p4
+  both access ports for VLAN 30, on OpenFlow ports 3 and 4, respectively.
+.. note::
+  The ports' names are not significant.  You could call them eth1 through eth4,
+  or any other names you like.
+.. note::
+  An OpenFlow switch always has a "local" port as well.  This scenario won't
+  use the local port.
+Our switch design will consist of five main flow tables, each of which
+implements one stage in the switch pipeline:
+Table 0
+  Admission control.
+Table 1
+  VLAN input processing.
+Table 2
+  Learn source MAC and VLAN for ingress port.
+Table 3
+  Look up learned port for destination MAC and VLAN.
+Table 4
+  Output processing.
+The section below describes how to set up the scenario, followed by a section
+for each OpenFlow table.
+You can cut and paste the ``ovs-vsctl`` and ``ovs-ofctl`` commands in each of
+the sections below into your ``ovs-sandbox`` shell.  They are also available as
+shell scripts in this directory, named ``t-setup``, ``t-stage0``, ``t-stage1``,
+..., ``t-stage4``.  The ``ovs-appctl`` test commands are intended for cutting
+and pasting and are not supplied separately.
+To get started, start ``ovs-sandbox``.  Inside the interactive shell that it
+starts, run this command::
+    $ ovs-vsctl add-br br0 -- set Bridge br0 fail-mode=secure
+This command creates a new bridge "br0" and puts "br0" into so-called
+"fail-secure" mode.  For our purpose, this just means that the OpenFlow flow
+table starts out empty.
+.. note::
+  If we did not do this, then the flow table would start out with a single flow
+  that executes the "normal" action.  We could use that feature to yield a
+  switch that behaves the same as the switch we are currently building, but
+  with the caveats described under "Motivation" above.)
+The new bridge has only one port on it so far, the "local port" br0.  We need
+to add ``p1``, ``p2``, ``p3``, and ``p4``.  A shell ``for`` loop is one way to
+do it::
+    for i in 1 2 3 4; do
+        ovs-vsctl add-port br0 p$i -- set Interface p$i ofport_request=$i
+        ovs-ofctl mod-port br0 p$i up
+    done
+In addition to adding a port, the ``ovs-vsctl`` command above sets its
+``ofport_request`` column to ensure that port ``p1`` is assigned OpenFlow port
+1, ``p2`` is assigned OpenFlow port 2, and so on.
+.. note::
+  We could omit setting the ofport_request and let Open vSwitch choose port
+  numbers for us, but it's convenient for the purposes of this tutorial because
+  we can talk about OpenFlow port 1 and know that it corresponds to ``p1``.
+The ``ovs-ofctl`` command above brings up the simulated interfaces, which are
+down initially, using an OpenFlow request.  The effect is similar to ``ifconfig
+up``, but the sandbox's interfaces are not visible to the operating system and
+therefore ``ifconfig`` would not affect them.
+We have not configured anything related to VLANs or MAC learning.  That's
+because we're going to implement those features in the flow table.
+To see what we've done so far to set up the scenario, you can run a command
+like ``ovs-vsctl show`` or ``ovs-ofctl show br0``.
+Implementing Table 0: Admission control
+Table 0 is where packets enter the switch.  We use this stage to discard
+packets that for one reason or another are invalid.  For example, packets with
+a multicast source address are not valid, so we can add a flow to drop them at
+ingress to the switch with::
+    $ ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 \
+        "table=0, dl_src=01:00:00:00:00:00/01:00:00:00:00:00, actions=drop"
+A switch should also not forward IEEE 802.1D Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
+packets, so we can also add a flow to drop those and other packets with
+reserved multicast protocols::
+    $ ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 \
+        "table=0, dl_dst=01:80:c2:00:00:00/ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:f0, actions=drop"
+We could add flows to drop other protocols, but these demonstrate the pattern.
+We need one more flow, with a priority lower than the default, so that flows
+that don't match either of the "drop" flows we added above go on to pipeline
+stage 1 in OpenFlow table 1::
+    $ ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 "table=0, priority=0, actions=resubmit(,1)"
+.. note::
+  The "resubmit" action is an Open vSwitch extension to OpenFlow.
+Testing Table 0
+If we were using Open vSwitch to set up a physical or a virtual switch, then we
+would naturally test it by sending packets through it one way or another,
+perhaps with common network testing tools like ``ping`` and ``tcpdump`` or more
+specialized tools like Scapy.  That's difficult with our simulated switch,
+since it's not visible to the operating system.
+But our simulated switch has a few specialized testing tools.  The most
+powerful of these tools is ``ofproto/trace``.  Given a switch and the
+specification of a flow, ``ofproto/trace`` shows, step-by-step, how such a flow
+would be treated as it goes through the switch.
+Example 1
+Try this command::
+    $ ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 in_port=1,dl_dst=01:80:c2:00:00:05
+The output should look something like this::
+    Flow: 
+    Rule: table=0 cookie=0 dl_dst=01:80:c2:00:00:00/ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:f0
+    OpenFlow actions=drop
+    Final flow: unchanged
+    Datapath actions: drop
+The first block of lines describes an OpenFlow table lookup.  The first line
+shows the fields used for the table lookup (which is mostly zeros because
+that's the default if we don't specify everything).  The second line gives the
+OpenFlow flow that the fields matched (called a "rule" because that is the name
+used inside Open vSwitch for an OpenFlow flow).  In this case, we see that this
+packet that has a reserved multicast destination address matches the rule that
+drops those packets.  The third line gives the rule's OpenFlow actions.
+The second block of lines summarizes the results, which are not very
+interesting here.
+Example 2
+Try another command::
+    $ ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 in_port=1,dl_dst=01:80:c2:00:00:10
+The output should be::
+    Flow: 
+    Rule: table=0 cookie=0 priority=0
+    OpenFlow actions=resubmit(,1)
+    Resubmitted flow: unchanged
+    Resubmitted regs: reg0=0x0 reg1=0x0 reg2=0x0 reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 reg5=0x0 
reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0
+    Resubmitted  odp: drop
+    No match
+    Final flow: unchanged
+    Datapath actions: drop
+This time the flow we handed to ``ofproto/trace`` doesn't match any of our
+"drop" rules, so it falls through to the low-priority "resubmit" rule, which we
+see in the rule and the actions selected in the first block.  The "resubmit"
+causes a second lookup in OpenFlow table 1, described by the additional block
+of indented text in the output.  We haven't yet added any flows to OpenFlow
+table 1, so no flow actually matches in the second lookup.  Therefore, the
+packet is still actually dropped, which means that the externally observable
+results would be identical to our first example.
+Implementing Table 1: VLAN Input Processing
+A packet that enters table 1 has already passed basic validation in table 0.
+The purpose of table 1 is validate the packet's VLAN, based on the VLAN
+configuration of the switch port through which the packet entered the switch.
+We will also use it to attach a VLAN header to packets that arrive on an access
+port, which allows later processing stages to rely on the packet's VLAN always
+being part of the VLAN header, reducing special cases.
+Let's start by adding a low-priority flow that drops all packets, before we add
+flows that pass through acceptable packets.  You can think of this as a
+"default drop" rule::
+    $ ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 "table=1, priority=0, actions=drop"
+Our trunk port ``p1``, on OpenFlow port 1, is an easy case.  ``p1`` accepts any
+packet regardless of whether it has a VLAN header or what the VLAN was, so we
+can add a flow that resubmits everything on input port 1 to the next table::
+    $ ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 \
+        "table=1, priority=99, in_port=1, actions=resubmit(,2)"
+On the access ports, we want to accept any packet that has no VLAN header, tag
+it with the access port's VLAN number, and then pass it along to the next
+    $ ovs-ofctl add-flows br0 - <<'EOF'
+    table=1, priority=99, in_port=2, vlan_tci=0, actions=mod_vlan_vid:20, 
+    table=1, priority=99, in_port=3, vlan_tci=0, actions=mod_vlan_vid:30, 
+    table=1, priority=99, in_port=4, vlan_tci=0, actions=mod_vlan_vid:30, 
+    EOF
+We don't write any rules that match packets with 802.1Q that enter this stage
+on any of the access ports, so the "default drop" rule we added earlier causes
+them to be dropped, which is ordinarily what we want for access ports.
+.. note::
+  Another variation of access ports allows ingress of packets tagged with VLAN
+  0 (aka 802.1p priority tagged packets).  To allow such packets, replace
+  ``vlan_tci=0`` by ``vlan_tci=0/0xfff`` above.
+Testing Table 1
+``ofproto/trace`` allows us to test the ingress VLAN rules that we added above.
+Example 1: Packet on Trunk Port
+Here's a test of a packet coming in on the trunk port::
+    $ ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 in_port=1,vlan_tci=5
+The output shows the lookup in table 0, the resubmit to table 1, and the
+resubmit to table 2 (which does nothing because we haven't put anything there
+    Flow: 
+    Rule: table=0 cookie=0 priority=0
+    OpenFlow actions=resubmit(,1)
+    Resubmitted flow: unchanged
+    Resubmitted regs: reg0=0x0 reg1=0x0 reg2=0x0 reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 reg5=0x0 
reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0
+    Resubmitted  odp: drop
+    Rule: table=1 cookie=0 priority=99,in_port=1
+    OpenFlow actions=resubmit(,2)
+    Resubmitted flow: unchanged
+    Resubmitted regs: reg0=0x0 reg1=0x0 reg2=0x0 reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 reg5=0x0 
reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0
+    Resubmitted  odp: drop
+    No match
+    Final flow: unchanged
+    Datapath actions: drop
+Example 2: Valid Packet on Access Port
+Here's a test of a valid packet (a packet without an 802.1Q header) coming in
+on access port ``p2``::
+    $ ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 in_port=2
+The output is similar to that for the previous case, except that it
+additionally tags the packet with ``p2``'s VLAN 20 before it passes it along to
+table 2::
+    Flow: 
+    Rule: table=0 cookie=0 priority=0
+    OpenFlow actions=resubmit(,1)
+    Resubmitted flow: unchanged
+    Resubmitted regs: reg0=0x0 reg1=0x0 reg2=0x0 reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 reg5=0x0 
reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0
+    Resubmitted  odp: drop
+    Rule: table=1 cookie=0 priority=99,in_port=2,vlan_tci=0x0000
+    OpenFlow actions=mod_vlan_vid:20,resubmit(,2)
+    Resubmitted flow: 
+    Resubmitted regs: reg0=0x0 reg1=0x0 reg2=0x0 reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 reg5=0x0 
reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0
+    Resubmitted  odp: drop
+    No match
+    Final flow: unchanged
+    Datapath actions: drop
+Example 3: Invalid Packet on Access Port
+This tests an invalid packet (one that includes an 802.1Q header) coming in on
+access port ``p2``::
+    $ ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 in_port=2,vlan_tci=5
+The output shows the packet matching the default drop rule::
+    Flow: 
+    Rule: table=0 cookie=0 priority=0
+    OpenFlow actions=resubmit(,1)
+    Resubmitted flow: unchanged
+    Resubmitted regs: reg0=0x0 reg1=0x0 reg2=0x0 reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 reg5=0x0 
reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0
+    Resubmitted  odp: drop
+    Rule: table=1 cookie=0 priority=0
+    OpenFlow actions=drop
+    Final flow: unchanged
+    Datapath actions: drop
+Implementing Table 2: MAC+VLAN Learning for Ingress Port
+This table allows the switch we're implementing to learn that the packet's
+source MAC is located on the packet's ingress port in the packet's VLAN.
+.. note::
+  This table is a good example why table 1 added a VLAN tag to packets that
+  entered the switch through an access port.  We want to associate a MAC+VLAN
+  with a port regardless of whether the VLAN in question was originally part of
+  the packet or whether it was an assumed VLAN associated with an access port.
+It only takes a single flow to do this.  The following command adds it::
+    $ ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 \
+        "table=2 actions=learn(table=10, NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[0..11], \
+                               NXM_OF_ETH_DST[]=NXM_OF_ETH_SRC[], \
+                               load:NXM_OF_IN_PORT[]->NXM_NX_REG0[0..15]), \
+                         resubmit(,3)"
+The "learn" action (an Open vSwitch extension to OpenFlow) modifies a flow
+table based on the content of the flow currently being processed.  Here's how
+you can interpret each part of the "learn" action above:
+    Modify flow table 10.  This will be the MAC learning table.
+    Make the flow that we add to flow table 10 match the same VLAN ID that the
+    packet we're currently processing contains.  This effectively scopes the
+    MAC learning entry to a single VLAN, which is the ordinary behavior for a
+    VLAN-aware switch.
+    Make the flow that we add to flow table 10 match, as Ethernet destination,
+    the Ethernet source address of the packet we're currently processing.
+    Whereas the preceding parts specify fields for the new flow to match, this
+    specifies an action for the flow to take when it matches.  The action is
+    for the flow to load the ingress port number of the current packet into
+    register 0 (a special field that is an Open vSwitch extension to OpenFlow).
+.. note::
+  A real use of "learn" for MAC learning would probably involve two additional
+  elements.  First, the "learn" action would specify a hard_timeout for the new
+  flow, to enable a learned MAC to eventually expire if no new packets were
+  seen from a given source within a reasonable interval.  Second, one would
+  usually want to limit resource consumption by using the Flow_Table table in
+  the Open vSwitch configuration database to specify a maximum number of flows
+  in table 10.
+This definitely calls for examples.
+Testing Table 2
+Example 1
+Try the following test command::
+    $ ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 \
+        in_port=1,vlan_tci=20,dl_src=50:00:00:00:00:01 -generate
+The output shows that "learn" was executed, but it isn't otherwise informative,
+so we won't include it here.
+The ``-generate`` keyword is new.  Ordinarily, ``ofproto/trace`` has no side
+effects: "output" actions do not actually output packets, "learn" actions do
+not actually modify the flow table, and so on.  With ``-generate``, though,
+``ofproto/trace`` does execute "learn" actions.  That's important now, because
+we want to see the effect of the "learn" action on table 10.  You can see that
+by running::
+    $ ovs-ofctl dump-flows br0 table=10
+which (omitting the ``duration`` and ``idle_age`` fields, which will vary based
+on how soon you ran this command after the previous one, as well as some other
+uninteresting fields) prints something like::
+    NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
+     table=10, vlan_tci=0x0014/0x0fff,dl_dst=50:00:00:00:00:01 
+You can see that the packet coming in on VLAN ``20`` with source MAC
+``50:00:00:00:00:01`` became a flow that matches VLAN ``20`` (written in
+hexadecimal) and destination MAC ``50:00:00:00:00:01``.  The flow loads port
+number ``1``, the input port for the flow we tested, into register 0.
+Example 2
+Here's a second test command::
+    $ ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 \
+        in_port=2,dl_src=50:00:00:00:00:01 -generate
+The flow that this command tests has the same source MAC and VLAN as example 1,
+although the VLAN comes from an access port VLAN rather than an 802.1Q header.
+If we again dump the flows for table 10 with::
+    $ ovs-ofctl dump-flows br0 table=10
+then we see that the flow we saw previously has changed to indicate that the
+learned port is port 2, as we would expect::
+    NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
+     table=10, vlan_tci=0x0014/0x0fff,dl_dst=50:00:00:00:00:01 
+Implementing Table 3: Look Up Destination Port
+This table figures out what port we should send the packet to based on the
+destination MAC and VLAN.  That is, if we've learned the location of the
+destination (from table 2 processing some previous packet with that destination
+as its source), then we want to send the packet there.
+We need only one flow to do the lookup::
+    $ ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 \
+        "table=3 priority=50 actions=resubmit(,10), resubmit(,4)"
+The flow's first action resubmits to table 10, the table that the "learn"
+action modifies.  As you saw previously, the learned flows in this table write
+the learned port into register 0.  If the destination for our packet hasn't
+been learned, then there will be no matching flow, and so the "resubmit" turns
+into a no-op.  Because registers are initialized to 0, we can use a register 0
+value of 0 in our next pipeline stage as a signal to flood the packet.
+The second action resubmits to table 4, continuing to the next pipeline stage.
+We can add another flow to skip the learning table lookup for multicast and
+broadcast packets, since those should always be flooded::
+    $ ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 \
+        "table=3 priority=99 dl_dst=01:00:00:00:00:00/01:00:00:00:00:00 \
+          actions=resubmit(,4)"
+.. note::
+  We don't strictly need to add this flow, because multicast addresses will
+  never show up in our learning table.  (In turn, that's because we put a flow
+  into table 0 to drop packets that have a multicast source address.)
+Testing Table 3
+Here's a command that should cause OVS to learn that ``f0:00:00:00:00:01`` is
+on ``p1`` in VLAN ``20``::
+    $ ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 \
+        in_port=1,dl_vlan=20,dl_src=f0:00:00:00:00:01,dl_dst=90:00:00:00:00:01 
+        -generate
+Here's an excerpt from the output that shows (from the "no match" looking up
+the resubmit to table 10) that the flow's destination was unknown::
+    Resubmitted flow: unchanged
+    Resubmitted regs: reg0=0x0 reg1=0x0 reg2=0x0 reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 reg5=0x0 
reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0
+    Resubmitted  odp: drop
+    Rule: table=3 cookie=0 priority=50
+    OpenFlow actions=resubmit(,10),resubmit(,4)
+        Resubmitted flow: unchanged
+        Resubmitted regs: reg0=0x0 reg1=0x0 reg2=0x0 reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 
reg5=0x0 reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0
+        Resubmitted  odp: drop
+        No match
+You can verify that the packet's source was learned two ways.  The most direct
+way is to dump the learning table with::
+    $ ovs-ofctl dump-flows br0 table=10
+which ought to show roughly the following, with extraneous details removed::
+    table=10, vlan_tci=0x0014/0x0fff,dl_dst=f0:00:00:00:00:01 
+.. note::
+    If you tried the examples for the previous step, or if you did some of your
+    own experiments, then you might see additional flows there.  These
+    additional flows are harmless.  If they bother you, then you can remove
+    them with `ovs-ofctl del-flows br0 table=10`.
+The other way is to inject a packet to take advantage of the learning entry.
+For example, we can inject a packet on p2 whose destination is the MAC address
+that we just learned on p1:
+    $ ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 \
+        in_port=2,dl_src=90:00:00:00:00:01,dl_dst=f0:00:00:00:00:01 -generate
+Here's an interesting excerpt from that command's output.  This group of lines
+traces the ``resubmit(,10)``, showing that the packet matched the learned flow
+for the first MAC we used, loading the OpenFlow port number for the learned
+port ``p1`` into register ``0``::
+    Resubmitted flow: unchanged
+    Resubmitted regs: reg0=0x0 reg1=0x0 reg2=0x0 reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 reg5=0x0 
reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0
+    Resubmitted  odp: drop
+    Rule: table=10 cookie=0 vlan_tci=0x0014/0x0fff,dl_dst=f0:00:00:00:00:01
+    OpenFlow actions=load:0x1->NXM_NX_REG0[0..15]
+If you read the commands above carefully, then you might have noticed that they
+simply have the Ethernet source and destination addresses exchanged.  That
+means that if we now rerun the first ``ovs-appctl`` command above, e.g.:
+    $ ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 \
+        in_port=1,dl_vlan=20,dl_src=f0:00:00:00:00:01,dl_dst=90:00:00:00:00:01 
+        -generate
+then we see in the output that the destination has now been learned::
+    Resubmitted flow: unchanged
+    Resubmitted regs: reg0=0x0 reg1=0x0 reg2=0x0 reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 reg5=0x0 
reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0
+    Resubmitted  odp: drop
+    Rule: table=10 cookie=0 vlan_tci=0x0014/0x0fff,dl_dst=90:00:00:00:00:01
+    OpenFlow actions=load:0x2->NXM_NX_REG0[0..15]
+Implementing Table 4: Output Processing
+At entry to stage 4, we know that register 0 contains either the desired output
+port or is zero if the packet should be flooded.  We also know that the
+packet's VLAN is in its 802.1Q header, even if the VLAN was implicit because
+the packet came in on an access port.
+The job of the final pipeline stage is to actually output packets.  The job is
+trivial for output to our trunk port ``p1``::
+    $ ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 "table=4 reg0=1 actions=1"
+For output to the access ports, we just have to strip the VLAN header before
+outputting the packet::
+    $ ovs-ofctl add-flows br0 - <<'EOF'
+    table=4 reg0=2 actions=strip_vlan,2
+    table=4 reg0=3 actions=strip_vlan,3
+    table=4 reg0=4 actions=strip_vlan,4
+    EOF
+The only slightly tricky part is flooding multicast and broadcast packets and
+unicast packets with unlearned destinations.  For those, we need to make sure
+that we only output the packets to the ports that carry our packet's VLAN, and
+that we include the 802.1Q header in the copy output to the trunk port but not
+in copies output to access ports::
+    $ ovs-ofctl add-flows br0 - <<'EOF'
+    table=4 reg0=0 priority=99 dl_vlan=20 actions=1,strip_vlan,2
+    table=4 reg0=0 priority=99 dl_vlan=30 actions=1,strip_vlan,3,4
+    table=4 reg0=0 priority=50            actions=1
+    EOF
+.. note::
+  Our rules rely on the standard OpenFlow behavior that an output action will
+  not forward a packet back out the port it came in on.  That is, if a packet
+  comes in on p1, and we've learned that the packet's destination MAC is also
+  on p1, so that we end up with ``actions=1`` as our actions, the switch will
+  not forward the packet back out its input port.  The
+  multicast/broadcast/unknown destination cases above also rely on this
+  behavior.
+Testing Table 4
+Example 1: Broadcast, Multicast, and Unknown Destination
+Try tracing a broadcast packet arriving on ``p1`` in VLAN ``30``::
+    $ ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 \
+        in_port=1,dl_dst=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff,dl_vlan=30
+The interesting part of the output is the final line, which shows that the
+switch would remove the 802.1Q header and then output the packet to ``p3``
+and ``p4``, which are access ports for VLAN ``30``::
+    Datapath actions: pop_vlan,3,4
+Similarly, if we trace a broadcast packet arriving on ``p3``::
+    $ ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 in_port=3,dl_dst=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
+then we see that it is output to ``p1`` with an 802.1Q tag and then to ``p4``
+without one::
+    Datapath actions: push_vlan(vid=30,pcp=0),1,pop_vlan,4
+.. note::
+  Open vSwitch could simplify the datapath actions here to just
+  ``4,push_vlan(vid=30,pcp=0),1`` but it is not smart enough to do so.
+The following are also broadcasts, but the result is to drop the packets
+because the VLAN only belongs to the input port::
+    $ ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 \
+        in_port=1,dl_dst=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
+    $ ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 \
+        in_port=1,dl_dst=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff,dl_vlan=55
+Try some other broadcast cases on your own::
+    $ ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0
+        in_port=1,dl_dst=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff,dl_vlan=20
+    $ ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0
+        in_port=2,dl_dst=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
+    $ ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0
+        in_port=4,dl_dst=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
+You can see the same behavior with multicast packets and with unicast
+packets whose destination has not been learned, e.g.::
+    $ ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 \
+        in_port=4,dl_dst=01:00:00:00:00:00
+    $ ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 \
+        in_port=1,dl_dst=90:12:34:56:78:90,dl_vlan=20
+    $ ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 \
+        in_port=1,dl_dst=90:12:34:56:78:90,dl_vlan=30
+Example 2: MAC Learning
+Let's follow the same pattern as we did for table 3.  First learn a MAC on port
+``p1`` in VLAN ``30``::
+    $ ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 \
+        in_port=1,dl_vlan=30,dl_src=10:00:00:00:00:01,dl_dst=20:00:00:00:00:01 
+        -generate
+You can see from the last line of output that the packet's destination is
+unknown, so it gets flooded to both ``p3`` and ``p4``, the other ports in VLAN
+    Datapath actions: pop_vlan,3,4
+Then reverse the MACs and learn the first flow's destination on port ``p4``::
+    $ ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 \
+        in_port=4,dl_src=20:00:00:00:00:01,dl_dst=10:00:00:00:00:01 -generate
+The last line of output shows that the this packet's destination is known to be
+``p1``, as learned from our previous command::
+    Datapath actions: push_vlan(vid=30,pcp=0),1
+Now, if we rerun our first command::
+    $ ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 \
+        in_port=1,dl_vlan=30,dl_src=10:00:00:00:00:01,dl_dst=20:00:00:00:00:01 
+        -generate
+...we can see that the result is no longer a flood but to the specified learned
+destination port ``p4``:
+    Datapath actions: pop_vlan,4

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