Hi all!
I program in Java and I use PARQUET with HADOOP because I need to write/read 
to/from hdfs.  I'm a bit confused because of the contradiction between the 
columnar nature of PARQUET and the ParquetReader/Writer in version 1.9.0 of 
parquet-hadoop  from org.apache.parquetand version 1.6.0 of parquet-hadoop  
from com.twitter. 
They require to write line by line even if I had the columns at hand:
Iterator<Valuet> itr = theValues.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
Did I fail to notice a package or function?  Is there a way to write columns 
If not: Could please anybody explain the contradiction between the columnar 
nature of PARQUET and the row by rowbased read/write stratagy. 

Is it for technical reasons, perhapsbecause of some requirements of  the record 
shredding and assembly algorithm?
An URL would suffice.
Thank you in advance

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