On Tue, 10 May 2022 14:21:23 -0700
William Butler <w...@google.com.INVALID>
> We recently upgraded our version of Arrow and came across an interesting
> issue. The version that we had been using was pre-logical types and the new
> version is post-logical types. It turns out some customers have files with
> invalid logical types. The old version, being oblivious to logical types,
> reads them fine whereas the new version, which can see logical types,
> rejects them. Parquet-mr seems a lot more forgiving of these situations. It
> prints a warning and uses the converted type. What is the correct behavior
> here? Should we make Parquet C++ more like the Java version?

Can you give an example of what an invalid logical type look like?

Generally, I don't think errors should pass silently, especially when
several implementations claim to support the same standard. The days
of lax HTML in the late 90s/early 2000s, and the resulting
compatibility hell, come to mind.

> Similarly, while I haven't tried this, it looks like Parquet C++ will not
> accept unrecognized logical types from Thrift.

Can you point to the relevant piece of code?



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