Hi, we are trying to use org.apache.parquet.avro

to write parquet file to s3 bucket. The file is successfully written to s3
bucket but

get an exception

com.amazonaws.SdkClientException: Unable to verify integrity of data upload.

The purpose is to resolve these exceptions while The s3 bucket is encrypted
with SSE-KMS not SSE-S3.

 It appears that the exceptions are thrown because of code blocks in the
link below


>From amazon doc, the etag is not same as MD5 when s3 bucket is encrypted
with SSE-KMS


 *The possible way is to pass MD5 in request header or set system.property
to disable validation in
skipMd5CheckStrategy.skipClientSideValidationPerPutResponse as indicated in


 The issue is that I do not find a proper way to inject such configurations
into AvroParquetWriter. Is this possible? If yes, can you help to show how
to do it?



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