Hi John,

it’s not about PDF versions but PDF versions and standards.

The base syntax has not changed. But the elements described by the base have.

Maruan Sahyoun

Am 10.03.2014 um 09:20 schrieb John Hewson <j...@jahewson.com>:

> Hi Maruan
>> As of today PDFBox has no formal support for specific PDF versions in a way 
>> that a specific version can be enforced, validated ...
> Perhaps that is because there is not much demand for this? Nowadays everyone 
> has instant access to the latest version of Adobe Reader so checking that a 
> PDF can be opened with a specific version of Adobe Reader is not that useful 
> anymore. There might be some niche cases, but I can’t think what they would 
> be. For cases where it’s important that a PDF file is valid then a format 
> such as PDF/A or PDF/X must be used instead as “vanilla" PDF is ambiguous.
>> The PDFBox PDF/A validation does a good job for PDF/A 1b but it can not be 
>> easily extended to other standards.
> Yes, PDF/A is carefully validated because it is for archival purposes, unlike 
> regular PDF files.
>> Do you think that there is a need for a more formal support of such 
>> standards and versions? The would influence some of the design decisions for 
>> the parser and affect the base objects.
> I can’t think of a reason why someone would want to parse a specific PDF 
> version, so my answer is no, I don’t think there is such a need. Has the 
> syntax of PDF even changed that much over the different versions?
> — John

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