On 19/09/16 18:36, Walter Ray-Dulany wrote:
> Let's see what we've got.
> ( (16**12)*(7**15) ) mod 225 = 208.
> I will leave it as an exercise to check that the decryption of 208 is in
> fact 12.

I like a challenge :-)

So we got to p=3, q=5, and my encrypted value c=208.

Following the Wideskies Pallier decryption algorithm,
Step (2):
N = p * q
  = 15

lambda(N) = lcm(p-1,q-1)
          = 4

Step (3):
mu = lambda(N) modinverse N
   = 4

Step (4):
c' = c^lambda(N) mod N^2
   = 208^4 mod 225
   = 46

m' = L(c')
   = ((c' - 1) / N) mod N
   = (45 / 15) mod 15
   = 3

m = (m' * mu) mod N
  = 12


The fog is slowly clearing, though I'm totally baffled about how I can
pick a random zeta during encryption, and it plays no part in the


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