
Looking good to me there’a couple of things I would add.

I’d add “Make our first release” as a point under "Most important issues to 
address while moving towards graduation”

> Any Issues the Incubator PMC or ASF Board might wish/need to be aware of:
>  *   Still not all members of the initial PPMC and committers have finished 
> signing up for all mailing lists

No need to list the above as we’re still starting out IMO it sort of expected 
at this point so nothing the board needs to be made aware of.

>  *   In order to get access to some of the specifications the ASF will 
> eventually have to become Members of some external foundations: OPC, 
> EtherCat, Modbus … these memberships usually have a free level, that allows 
> us to use the specifications but doesn’t result in any regular costs. We will 
> have to discuss these details with the ASF and the other foundations.
>  *   One of the external foundations (Profinet) doesn’t have a free 
> membership. In general, the CEO of the European branch of the Profinet 
> Foundation has signaled that it should be possible for the ASF to become a 
> member and have an outside company pay the membership fees, but we have to 
> discuss the details (With them as well as the ASF).
> How has the community developed since the last report?
>  *   We have been accepted into the Apache Incubator just a week before 
> Christmas, we are still in the process of setting up
>  *   Prior to joining the Apache Incubator however, we have managed to 
> recruit people from other Apache projects and are working on getting other 
> people familiar with the protocols and the industry involved. After the 
> Christmas break we are planning on contacting a big group of people that have 
> claimed to be wanting to be involved (A list of about 20 Companies, but we 
> can’t tell how many will be using and how many would also be willing to 
> contribute)
>  *   We have started the onboarding of new committers and will be continuing 
> to do this (extended emails with a lot of explanations on why we are doing 
> things the way we are)

I’d also add these:
- Project has bootstrapped quickly and we have mailing lists, website, JIRA  
etc etc all set up and running.
- Testing coverage has been improved over the initial code base

> How does the podling rate their own maturity?
>  *   Even if we do have a lot of new participants in the project, we also 
> have a list of highly experienced Apache people on board.

Better to say it this  way?
- We have a mix of new participants and experienced Apache people involved.


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