Hi all,

while Sebastian and I am currently working very hard on the API refactoring, I 
just took the time to merge two pull requests.

Pull Request Nr. 1 I just merged to master is a new example kindly developed by 
Veronika Schindler.
This Example uses PLC4X to collect data from a connected PLC and to publish 
this to a Google IoT Cloud instance.

Pull Request Nr. 2 I just merged into my featue/apache-kafka branch is a first 
working version of a Kafka-Connect adapter developed by Andrey Skorikov. With 
this it should be possible to use PLC4X inside Kafka-Connect to be the source 
and sink of Kafka-Streams. Really looking forward to playing with this.

In order to test his work he also started a new driver which can be used to 
test applications. I asked him to add this to his PR as I think this is a very 
cool addition. We should excend this and build a test-driver that provides 
different forms of data-streams (Random Value Streams, Memory areas you can 
write to and later on read from them) ... this makes it super easy to play with 
PLC4X and it’s integrations without the need of actually having a PLC at hand.

Thank you two very much for these great additions. As Veronika and Andrey both 
work for codecentric, they did this during their work hours and we have a 
signed CCLA, I think there is no need for any ICLA signing on her side (is that 

Just wanted you to know ... can’t wait to merge feature/api-refactoring and 
feature/apache-kafka back to master ...


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