+1 to that :-)

Am 16.10.19, 13:41 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" <j.feina...@pragmaticminds.de>:

    Sorry, some appendum.
    I +1 Chris proposal but I see that in a (hopefully not too far) future 
communities gather for separate languages they should ofc choose the build tool 
of their choice (use make and deal with it... __).
    But I agree with Chris that as long as the "core" or "java" team manages 
"everything" it will be maven, as this is what we prefer.
    Am 16.10.19, 13:17 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" <j.feina...@pragmaticminds.de>:
        Clear +1 from my side for this approach.
        Am 16.10.19, 10:41 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
            Hi Julian,
            I suggest not to have a "with-java" profile anymore and no 
            Java will probably always be the leading language (at least for the 
near future).
            Perhaps it would really be better to split out the other languages 
as soon as they are ready to leave the sandbox, but to stick with Maven builds 
for them.
            (Don't want to make it too difficult for the CI and 
            Am 16.10.19, 10:12 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" 
                Hi Chris,
                I agree with you and perhaps another way to gain traction is to 
"finish" java "kind of" and then move together to another language.
                And regarding the suggestion, why not. 
                So you suggest to jave "with-java" as the default and the 
others as "add on" profiles,  right?
                Am 16.10.19, 10:09 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
                    Hi Julian,
                    it sadens me to admit that, but I guess your assessment is 
absolutely correct. 
                    I remember having this strange gutt feeling with having 
plc4py, plc4cpp and plc4net first class citisens as they aren't usable. Then I 
was hoping the drive in the community would make this happen soon.
                    So I would +1 your suggestion to move all of them into the 
sandbox (but I'd leave the artifact and group-id's the way they currently are).
                    We could then remove the "with-java" profile. 
                    What about the sandbox in general? Right now things in 
there aren't stable, but also don't hold up the build. 
                    So we could also remove the "with-sandbox" profile, but 
leave the other ones (with-cpp, with-python, ...) to reduce build and setup 
                    What do you all think?
                    Am 15.10.19, 19:21 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" 
                        Hi Chris,
                        thanks for picking up this discussion and for the three 
                        My initial approach would be rather similar to your 
suggestion 3 BUT with a crucial addition.
                        My observation and belief is, that we currently focus 
nearly 100% on java (I know that you work on codegen for the other languages 
but AFAIR there is nothing in the near future which one would consider 
                        Furthermore the only sustainable community we have is 
for the java world
                        - Python was initially done by me and most of the 
polishing / building was done by Chris
                        - C# was initiated by Björn but AFAIR we have no 
"working" version or something rather then an API design
                        - Cpp was driven by Markus Sommer but it went quite 
quiet about it the last months, so I don’t know the exact state
                        So my (very pragmatic) approach would be to remove / 
move Python, C# and probably also Cpp to a "sandbox" repo and focus the main 
build on Java which would then become an absolute standard maven project and 
all the "profiles" thing could go to the sandbox (probably with suggestion 1 or 
                        And as soon as a language "matures" we could acquire a 
Repo and move it there.
                        I know that we want (and should) support many languages 
but I like the drive we currently have in java and would prefer to do the 
refactoring which is necessary with all the power we get from the generated 
drivers and THEN start again with other languages.
                        Just my 2ct.
                        Am 15.10.19, 11:44 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
                            Replying to both posts in one email ...
                            @Niclas: Yes we had thought of that ... as far as I 
remember it, it was considered an option as the project grows. If we split it 
up now, this would result in 6 repos (build-tools, protocols, java, c++, c# and 
python) ... this would result in every release having to release and vote on at 
least 5 sub-releases. So I think we decided to keep things in one for now, 
however if the to-be RMs have no problems executing such mass-releases and the 
PMC also has no problems on verifying and voting on them, it would be an 
option. However probably quite a bit of the build would have to be replicated 
in multiple repos (Thrift)
                            @Tim: Guess that would be quite the same as my 
suggestion nr. 1, I agree ... by adding it to the groovy it would have the 
benefit of us not having to maintain this scripts that must function in 
multiple environments. I just totally suck at BASH and BAT scripting ... the 
Groovy script executed in the build even has the benefit of being debugable in 
IntelliJ, which was quite a big help. But if someone is willing to implement 
such scripts and maintain them I wouldn't object.
                            Am 15.10.19, 10:46 schrieb "Tim Mitsch" 
                                Hey everybody,
                                First of all it's a very good idea to simply 
the profile-stuff.
                                My thoughts to that are that we maybe could add 
a little shell-script (Mac/Linux), bat-file (Windows) that guides the user ("Do 
you want to build Java-sources? [Yes/No]) and states if all requirements for 
build of this profile is supplied by the specific machine of the user. I think 
that goes in the direction of Chris suggestion 1)
                                Furthermore it would be good to supply a 
"with-all" Profile that triggers all available profiles.
                                Am 15.10.19, 10:07 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
                                    Hi all,
                                    as I have heard complaints that the current 
way we handle profiles is too complicated, I would like to discuss alternatives 
with you all.
                                    Currently if you just run “./mvnw install” 
it will only build the protocols. This is probably not what the user wants.
                                    Right now we didn’t want to overwhelm 
someone just wanting to build Java, which will probably be the most common case 
to configure all the prerequisites for C++ and C#.
                                    So we introduced the “with-xyz” profiles. 
Now you only need to provide the tooling needed for the parts you want to 
build, which reduces the entry barrier (in my opinion)
                                    On the other hand we didn’t want people 
working on C++ and C# to have to run the Java test-suite before committing.
                                    But it seems that having to enable profiles 
already raises the barrier too high and people get confused instead of 
relieved. This was not planned and therefore we need to react.
                                    Yesterday I did a little brainstorming to 
what options I could think of … perhaps you have others or you have feedback to 
them. Your opinion would be highly appreciated:
                                      1.  If no “with-xyz” profile is 
activated, a message is output which tells the user it should enable a profile 
(This should be very simple to implement)
                                      2.  We make the “with-java” profile 
“enabled by default” (if no profile is enabled, this one is automatically 
enabled, making the naïve developer just trying “mvn package” scceed)
                                      3.  We remove all profiles and ask people 
to go into “plc4j” to build the java part, into “sandbox” if they want to build 
the sandbox (We could add the suggestion to use “-am” to the build which will 
“also build” any outside modules needed by the current selection)
                                    Here my thoughts to the approaches:
                                      1.  This shouldn’t have any negative 
side-effects (I personally would prefer this … we could even try make it 
“interactive” where the user can select the options he wants enabled and it 
generates a “command line” the user can use to build what he wants)
                                      2.  The problem with enabled by default 
profiles is that they get disabled if a profile is explicitly selected. So if a 
user builds “mvn package” it would build java. But if he runs “mvn -Pwith-cpp 
package” it would only build C++ and no longer java … if you want java and C++ 
you would need to do “mvn -Pwith-java,with-cpp package” (Not that intuitive, I 
think … but an option)
                                      3.  This will cause the “mvn package” 
type of persons to be flooded with a list of things to install and the build 
will take pretty long. As they will probably always have some prerequisite not 
installed and the build will not start with an explanation on why, we could use 
this opportunity to also point out that you don’t have to install all 
prerequisites if you only want to build part of the project. In this case too 
we would have to split the prerequisite check to the individual submodules or 
people will be left without guidance when building only “plc4cpp” for example … 
so we would have the big check in the root and multiple partial checks in the 
                                    I personally would prefer the version 1), 
but let’s discuss this.
                                    Perhaps you have other ideas … I would be 
happy to hear and discuss them.

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