Is this out of the category "Business Ideas that sound definetly better when 
you are drunk?" : )

Am 16.04.20, 13:18 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" <>:

    Technically coffee is a cherry (I think) ... 
    and ... yes you're right regarding Toddy's dietary preferences ... we 
should perhaps make little bags of "Toddy's salty Apache nuts" as giveaways ;-)
    Am 16.04.20, 12:44 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" <>:
        So Toddy doesnt only like beans but also nuts... ?
        Am 16.04.20, 12:39 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
            Hi Julian,
            "And as you know I will always beware not to write something like 
'I am the writer of PLC4X'."
            You know ... if you did, Toddy would come by and bite you where it 
hurts ... and trust me ... it hurts ... been there ;-)
            Am 16.04.20, 12:27 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" 
                just checked the trademark pages 
( to ensure it.
                And yes, as long as you dont "do shit" you can do it easily : )
                And as you know I will always beware not to write something 
like "I am the writer of PLC4X".
                PS.: As a funny(?) sidenote... i was contacted by someone (form 
y PLC4X webinar shit) who tought that i work for codecentric. They seemed to 
have the impression that PLC4X = codecentric (although I'm sure we never stated 
that somewhere). But interesting nonetheless
                Am 16.04.20, 12:17 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
                    Hi Julian,
                    I think using the PLC4X logo is ok in such articles as long 
as it's about the PLC4X project.
                    As long as it's clear that it's the logo of Apache PLC4X, 
it's an Apache project and that Apache PLC4X is independent of any company and 
no company owns/runs/"is the main driver behind" Apache PLC4X I guess there 
shouldn't be any problems.
                    Sticking it on a product would probably be a problem.
                    Am 16.04.20, 11:54 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" 
                        just a short question.
                        As I want to use the PLC4X LOGO in the Article I asked 
myself about the policies.
                        If I remember correctly the Plc4X logo is governed by 
the PLC4X PMC thus I only need to "ask" there for permission, right?
                        Am 14.04.20, 16:57 schrieb "Cesar Garcia" 
                            Excellent, a merit for all the effort that you have 
                            Best regards,
                            El mar., 14 abr. 2020 a las 6:50, Julian Feinauer (<
                  >) escribió:
                            > Hi Chris,
                            > thanks fort he offer, will come back to it : )
                            > Julian
                            > Am 14.04.20, 12:39 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
                            >     Hi Julian,
                            >     great news ... I had tried getting them to 
bring an article multiple
                            > times now but never got a reaction.
                            >     If you need some proof-reading or whatsoever, 
just give me a ping.
                            >     Chris
                            >     Am 14.04.20, 12:35 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" <
                            >         Hi Folks,
                            >         just wanted to let you know that I was 
invited to write an article
                            > about PLC4X (and a bit about Open Source in IIoT) 
for the german „SPS
                            > Magazin“. This is one oft he biggest monthly 
journals in the automation
                            > area in the german speaking region with about 
26.000 copies for every
                            > edition.
                            >         So lets hope that PLC4X gets some more 
love from the industry : )
                            >         I will also share the finished article 
here (it will originally be
                            > in german) and also try to provide a translated 
                            >         Best!
                            >         Julian
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