Hi Chris,

I think ist a good idea to model it as other projects do it BUT I don’t like 
the way this is setup.
One thing we take very high at apache is the "two hats" principle.
Thus I dislike that companies list "all" their employees that are comitters / 
pmcs like a "trophy", that feels un-apache-esque to me.

As you know probably better than myself at Apache we value the community and 
also non-pmc or non-committer contributors and contributions.
And thus I think a company can also have enough achievement or value to be 
listed without having a committer to present.

So I really object the name listing as this is too much "hat mixing" for me.


Am 05.06.20, 20:45 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" <christofer.d...@c-ware.de>:

    Hi all,

    it seems we can rowspan in tables with asciidoc:

    So I would suggest to rowspan the logo name and the description of 
companies and to have the remaining columns one row per employee.


    Am 05.06.20, 15:19 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" <christofer.d...@c-ware.de>:

        Hi Julian,

        I had already sent an update ... I had initially just copied the text 
from the adopters page ... 
        Well I thought that we would have multiple rows for multiple people 
involved and for each specify their involvement ... not sure if we should have 
a table in a table or similar.


        Am 05.06.20, 13:36 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" 


            Although I suggest some changes in the table:
            - More important than a company description would be what they 
offer (see e.g. Postgres Page: 
            - I would make it a bit smaler
            - And Involvement level we should standardize a bit perhaps. You 
wrote "PMC Member ". But what does that mean? The company? No. One employee? 
            - I would state "muliple Employees are PMC members" (which is also 
true for cc).



            Am 05.06.20, 13:03 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 

                Hi all,

                I have just added a new page to the PLC4X website, however it’s 
not yet linked in the navigation and therefore should remain invisible until 
Google indexes this email ;-)
                It will be available soon from here (As soon as Jenkins is 

                What we have there is pretty inspired by the support page of 
the Apache Royale project:

                However I used some different wording and a different proposal 
for a process to add entries.

                I would suggest to use PRs as this way we can have the account 
of the PR creator on-file in git-blame. Which might come in handy if there 
should ever be problems.

                We were told that in general everyone would be required to have 
him/herself added to that list no matter their involvement with the project. 
That’s why I decided to start with this in my proposal. I think with a column 
on the level of involvement should separate the true contributors from the 

                I think there were also voices that said that an alternative 
would be a PMC vote, but with very strict rules to how this vote should be done 
and all votes should have to be performed without any individual bias.

                I asked the Royale project on how they dealt with entry 
requests to that list … they sort of laughed as they didn’t seem to really get 
any requests at all.

                What’s your opinion on this … also the ASF’s opinion is greatly 
appreciated as we don’t want to do anything that could harm the ASF.

                So I would really like to do it the way I proposed it, but 
that’s just my opinion … your other opinions are worth just as much (Well ok … 
the ASF’s opinion will probably weigh more ;-) )


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