Hello Chris,
thank you!

I'm currently using some exotic RTU devices, just for test, so mine is a
low priority question.
Of course i'm fully available to test any release against those devices.


On Wed, Sep 2, 2020 at 5:14 PM Christofer Dutz <christofer.d...@c-ware.de>

> Hi Alessio,
> welcome on this super-cool community list of ours :-)
> Unfortunately I have a little "uncool" news ... while working on the new
> drivers, it occurred to me that we currently are absolutely able to run one
> protocol over multiple transports, however if the transports require
> different handling on the lowest level, we currently haven't got that base
> covered.
> We started discussing options on how to solve this problem, but the
> discussion is ongoing ...
> Unfortunately I didn't update the documentation ... as I thought we'd be
> able to implement this sooner.
> Possibly the 0.6.x version of PLC4X could work as starting with 0.7.0 we
> have deleted all existing drivers and have replaced them with new,
> generated ones and are still working on implementing all the features the
> old ones had. Unfortunately you seem to be the first person to ask for
> serial Modbus, so we hadn't prioritized that up too much.
> So for now .. please give the 0.6.1 a go (might have slightly different
> syntax and connection string) and join in on the discussion here on the
> list and possibly help us finish this ... as none of us have a serial
> Modbus device, it's sort of tricky to implement a driver for it.
> Chris
> Am 02.09.20, 16:50 schrieb "Alessio Bernesco Làvore" <
> alessio.berne...@gmail.com>:
>     Hi everyone,
>     i'm trying to complete some tests connecting a Modbus RTU device
> (digital
>     input converter).
>     The device is connected using a USB/485 converter, running with
> pyModbus
>     i'm able to communicate with the device.
>     I'm using this connection string:
>     PlcConnection plcConnection = new
> PlcDriverManager().getConnection("modbus:serial:///dev/ttyUSB0?unit-identifier=1");
>     Then:
>     PlcReadRequest.Builder builder = plcConnection.readRequestBuilder();
>     builder.addItem("value-0", "holding-register:14");
>     PlcReadRequest readRequest = builder.build();
>     PlcReadResponse response = readRequest.execute().get();
>     But i was unable to obtain a response, watching at the logs there are
>     plenty of:
>     io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop        : Migrated 1 channel(s) to
> the new
>     Selector.
>     Selector.select() returned prematurely 512 times in a row; rebuilding
>     Selector
>     org.apache.plc4x.java.transport.serial.SerialPollingSelector@37f2b566.
>     Another important part is that i'm unable to find where i can
> configure the
>     serial communication parameters, like baud rate, stop bits, etc.
>     Greetings,
>     Alessio

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