Sure. Let's call RC1 a bust. I can do an RC2 in a few days. I'll just wait to 
see if anyone has anything else that they want to get done for the RC2 first.

I would appreciate if any changes that are not fairly urgent be kept back until 
after the RC2 is produced and evaluated.

On Thursday 6 January 2022, 12:11:33 GMT+1, Dominik Stadler 
<> wrote: 


I did a partial regression-test round and found a few smaller issues, some
of the new limits are hit by some valid test-files, so I increased a few of
those a bit. Not sure how likely such documents are encountered out there,
but if we want to keep handling those without regressions, we should roll a
RC2 with latest trunk.

Otherwise regression tests look good with only very few failures which are
explained by more support for features in HSLF.


On Wed, Jan 5, 2022 at 2:12 PM PJ Fanning <>

> Hi everyone,
> I've prepared artifacts for the release of Apache POI 5.2.0 (RC1).
> The most notable changes in this release are:
> * upgrade dependencies: XmlBeans 5.0.3, XMLSec 2.3.0, BouncyCastle 1.70,
> Log4j-API 2.17.1, PDFBox Graphics2d 0.34, PDFBox 2.0.25 ...
> * Issue in XSSFReader where string builder is not always cleared between
> cell reads [#65676]
> * Extra DataFormatter options [#63211], [#65703], [#65730]
> * Password Protecting a document when Saxon is on classpath can corrupt
> the output [#65701]
> * stop using file deleteOnExit in DefaultTempFileCreationStrategy [#65772]
> * Support for Excel functions XMATCH, XLOOKUP
> * Extra checks for malicious files that could cause excess memory usage
> A full list of changes is available in the change log:
> The artifacts are at:
> You can use this maven URL for your mvn/gradle builds:
> I haven't updated the "provided" dependencies as those have to be
> activated anyway explicitly.
> Please vote to release the artifacts.
> The vote keeps open until 2022-01-12 23:00 UTC.
> Planned release announcement date is Friday, 2021-12-31.
> Here is my +1
> PJ
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