Hmm, well ive ended up back in the lab for a bit longer afterall, so...

On Fri, 2009-01-16 at 11:09 -0500, Rafael Schloming wrote:
> William Henry wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > 
> > My non-voting comment. Thanks for letting me weigh in :)
> > 
> > I like that it is clean. I like the feather.
> +1
> > I'm not fond of the 'Q'. It reminds me of a request-reply call - the arrow 
> > goes out and comes back.
> Another fairly geeky interpretation would be that it is reminiscent of a 
> circular data structure like a circular buffer or a circular queue.

Not sure if im the only one but i dont particularly ever try to
interpret logos, I just go by what looks nice not whether its trying to
represent hehe (out of interest, anyone know what the Apache feather is
all about anyway? :P I have no idea, but i think its nice hehe)...

I didnt like any of the Q's in particular, but id probably say its nicer
than some of the others now. I tried playing around with the feather on
the Q but it didnt do anything for me...theres just somthing about Q, it
never really looks nice :)

> I do think the font choice could use some improvement, not that I know 
> enough about fonts to make a better suggestion.

Certainly not an area i know anything about either, and wasnt something
id have any real control over without starting from scratch....i just
chose to play around with the 3rd example logo because i thought it was
getting the short end of the stick with its lack of colour :)

> In general though I think this direction for the logo has a lot of promise.
> --Rafael

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