It should trouble all of you that I'm no good with dates. Thankfully, I have peers to point out my errors! The date I intended was Wednesday, 2 March, tomorrow--not 3 March.

We may push this date a little later in the week to allow time for some fixes to land, but so far it's still set for tomorrow.


On Mon, 28 Feb 2011, Justin Ross wrote:

Hi, folks.

Our schedule calls for us to create our release branch this Wednesday, 3 March. Trunk will remain open for forward development, but all changes to the release branch will require approval.

I'd like to enlist your help with the approval process. When a potential fix comes in, it needs two forms of review:

 1. Review by someone who focuses on the release goals and schedule

 2. Review by someone (other than the author) who knows the code being
    patched and can speak to the change's significance and safety

My job is item 1. For item 2, I need experts in the various components of qpid.

So here's my proposal: approval of kinds 1 (from me) and 2 (from someone familiar with the code being changed) must be indicated in jira comments before a change may be committed to the release branch.

In order to this efficiently, we need clear lines of responsibility. I'd like to use the (still emerging) list of component owners to map incoming changes to reviewers.

In cases where the patch submitter is also the component owner, I'd ask that he or she find someone else with equivalent experience in that code to evaluate the change.

The purpose of requiring approval is to ensure that, as we approach release, each change is *discussed*. I am continually impressed with how simple questions can lay bare important deficits.

I don't expect this to be a big burden, though I am conscious of the extra coordination involved. I'll do my best to respond to change requests promptly.

Here's what I have so far for component owners:

 C++ clustering                Alan
 C++ client and broker         Gordon
 Java client                   Rajith
 Java broker                   Robbie
 QMF                           Ted

I just scanned that out of the "Default assignees" thread. Please reply on this thread if you'd like to volunteer to review changes for a particular component.



Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation

Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation

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