On Thu, 10 Mar 2011, Justin Ross wrote:

On Thu, 10 Mar 2011, Gordon Sim wrote:

On 03/10/2011 01:50 PM, Marnie McCormack wrote:
Hi Justin/All,

I'm wondering what the approach for identifying the content of the 0-10
release from JIRA is ?

I've just been trying to figure out what is actually in 0-10 from JIRA and
its not easy since we have 0-10 items complete adn I think raised during the
release process and a load of open 0-9 items for which we can't tell the
target release.

We should be able to generate release notes from JIRA, so should we update
all items in the 0-10 release to have a fix for version of 0-10 ?

I marked the JIRAs I fixed for 0.10 as fix-for 0.9 (the 0.10 option was only recently added). So I believe anything that is resolved and has fix-for 0.9[1] can have the fix-for updated to 0-10. Anyone know if there is a way to do this as a bulk update or similar?

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12310520&version=12315382

I spoke to Andrew Stitcher about the versions in jira. We think it would be simpler overall if jira contained only even-numbered (released) versions. Right now the extra fidelity of having odd- and even-numbered versions mostly causes confusion and adds complexity to our queries.

(By the way, I meant the above to be a question about how we do this in the future, not something needs to change pronto.)

There is a link at the release page[1] that I am using as the canonical "bugs targeted for 0.10" query. I still need to update it for the recent introduction of 0.10. I'll let you know when I have; it shouldn't be long.

I've updated the bug link on the release page:


I'd be interested to get comments about the criteria I'm using at the top. It doesn't look strictly at fixVersion. It also pulls in bugs with a null fixVersion and an affectsVersion of 0.9 or 0.10.

So far, until we decide to do some bulk updating, I've been planning to include both 0.9 and 0.10 bugs in the "targeted for 0.10" bucket.


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