Using 0.9 and 0.10 as an example:

"0.9" is simply another name for "0.10-dev". Qpid developers know this, so they can resolve a "0.9" bug to the 0.10 release just as easily as they can resolve a "0.10-dev" bug to the 0.10 release.

And of course, all release versions would appear in jira.


On Thu, 10 Mar 2011, Marnie McCormack wrote:

I can't see what the release numbers mean if they don't line up with the
JIRAs -> surely it'd be completely impossible to have a release (or
dev) version that didn't appear in JIRA ?

How would that work ?


On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 9:02 PM, Justin Ross <> wrote:

On Thu, 10 Mar 2011, Marnie McCormack wrote:

I think we'd need to have a vote thread to redo the versioning approac -
which is effectively what this implies if I'v eunderstood correctly ?

I don't think they're really coupled.  The model of using only release
versions (even-numbered versions) in jira is still consistent with the
odd/even version scheme, imo.

I don't like the scheme we've got but iirc it was discussed at length and
voted in.

However, the harder task to do which involves (at least this is how I've
done it in the past) looking for subversion commits on all open/in-flight
0-9 items to figure out what actually made it into the 0-10 release
(regardless of status on JIRA since it's not a reliable guide for commit).

Is there a smarter way to be sure about content ?

So far, I don't see a smarter way.  I think we'll need to focus our
attention on making the status reflect reality.

I may, however, be able to work up some queries that make it easier to find
the gaps.  Perhaps: bugs against 0.10, with associated commits, but not yet
marked resolved.


Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation

Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation

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