On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 09:23:01PM +0100, Gordon Sim wrote:
> Right now the python-qpid fedora package, to use a concrete example,
> installs into sitepackages (qpid/messaging.py etc). Are you
> proposing to change that?

No, I think I've combined how Ruby and Python work in this case. With
Ruby gems you can have multiple versions of a gem installed and require
only the version you need in your app. When skimming over the Python
docs on eggs I mistook some of what it said in there as being the
equivalent to what Ruby can do.

> >Not so much nicer as more consistent across the supported set of
> >languages. In Ruby we have Qpid::Messaging, in Perl it's
> >qpid::messaging, in C++ it's qpid::messaging. It would be nice to have
> >Python also be qpid.messaging
> It is! And has been long before the Ruby or Perl equivalents even existed.
> The issue is that we now have two *different* messaging libraries
> for python...
> >and not something different, to keep it as
> >intuitive as possible.
> ... I think trying to force the two into the same namespace is far
> from intuitive.

I think your previous suggestion to have a compatibility import might be
the better way to go. How about something like this:

1. move the pure Python bindings to the qpid.pure package
2. leave the Swig bindings in cqpid for the time being
3. create a new module that lives in qpid.messaging and which will
import either qpid.pure or cqpid depending on a setting from the
application importing them?

This, I think, comes close to what you were proposing.

Darryl L. Pierce, Sr. Software Engineer @ Red Hat, Inc.
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