Did you see my reply[1] and Roman’s reply[2] to your message?

I think it’s great that you are thinking about governance, review process, and 
a path for people to become members of the project. But before you invent 
concepts like “core contributor”, are you familiar with the Apache concepts 
such as “committer”?[3]

Since Quickstep is in incubation, your goal must be to understand the Apache 
Way and craft the project’s governance model within that.




[3] http://www.apache.org/foundation/how-it-works.html#roles 

> On Aug 3, 2016, at 11:59 AM, J Patel <jmp.quicks...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Since no objections have been raised to the developer community governance
> as outlined below, I'd like to move forward with adopting the version
> below.  *Does anyone know if we need to vote for it? *
> Note: I made a few changes from the previous draft. The key ones are:
> #1: Adding Caleb Welton to the general contributors' list.  (Thanks Caleb
> for your contribution, which has now been merged to the master!).
> #2: Sorted both lists by the last name.
> I'd love to put it on our web page before the end of the week.
> Thanks!
> Cheers,
> Jignesh
> Quickstep is a data platform that is written in C++ and uses advanced C++
> techniques including template meta-programming and various abstractions to
> balance high-performance with extensibility. Thus, a good grasp over C++
> concepts is essential for a Quickstep developer.
> Quickstep has a set of *core contributors* who are collectively the
> stewards of the project. In addition, there is a set of *general
> contributors* who contribute individual changes. The initial list of core
> and general contributors is listed below.
> Core contributors can close pull requests, except pull requests that they
> have created (which must be examined and closed by another core
> contributor). Anyone can open a pull request and once a pull request has
> been accepted that committer becomes part of the general contributors
> group.
> A general contributor can become a core contributor by getting support from
> at least two core contributors. It is expected that a general contributor
> will have demonstrated proficiency in understanding and working with the
> core engine to become part of the core contributors group.
> To maintain membership in the core contributors group, the contributor must
> be active in the project in the preceding 6-month period. Membership of the
> core contributors is examined and determined bi-annually by the Apache
> Quickstep PPMC.
> *Core Contributors (as of August 5, 2016:*
> Harshad Deshmukh
> Rogers Jeffrey Leo John
> Hakan Memisoglu
> Jignesh M. Patel
> Navneet Potti
> Saket Saurabh
> Marc Spehlmann
> Zuyu Zhang
> Jianqiao Zhu
> *Core Collaborators (as of August 5, 2016):*
> Shoban Chandrabose
> Craig Chasseur
> Julian Hyde
> Yinan Li
> Rathijit Sen
> Roman Shaposhnik
> Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj
> Siddharth Suresh
> Caleb Welton
>> Qiang Zeng

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