Thanks Julian! Nope hadn't seen those emails -- I bet its in my (now
deleted) Pivotal mailbox.

@Julian: Nice feedback on using the Apache terms. Makes sense. New proposal

@Roman: We do have a new file in the main repo to get started.

@Julian and @Roman:  Feedback well taken on the release.

All: Would love to hear your thoughts on a release. I'd like to propose mid
to late November, which likely works out best given the semester cadence
(yeah -- I know we are far skewed in the Committer to that, at least for


Quickstep is a data platform that is written in C++ and uses advanced C++
techniques including template meta-programming and various abstractions to
balance high-performance with extensibility. Thus, a good grasp over C++
concepts is essential for a Quickstep developer.

Quickstep has a group of *Committers* who are collectively responsible for
the code repository. Committers have write access to the code repository
and must have signed a Contributors License Agreement (CLA). In addition,
there is a set of *Contributors* who contribute individual changes. The
overall stewardship of the project rests with the Project Management
Committee (*PMC*), which is a subset of the Committers. A member of the PMC
is selected as the *PMC Chair*.

Contributors and Committers must submit pull requests (PR) for proposed
code changes. Only Committers can close PRs. But, a committer can not close
their own PR, which must be examined and closed by another Committer.
Anyone can open a PR and once a PR has been accepted that developer becomes
part of the Contributors group. In general, it is expected that to maintain
membership in the Committer group, the developer must be active in the
project in the preceding 6-month period.

PMC members can commit code directly to the main repository, but are
generally advised to open a PR and allow another Committer to close the PR.

A Contributor can become a Committer by getting support from at least two
existing Committers. It is expected that a Contributor will have
demonstrated proficiency in understanding and working with the core engine
to become part of the Committer group.

The PMC meets at least annually. Meetings are announced at least two weeks
in advance on the project developer list. Any Committer is welcome to
propose agenda items for the meeting. The PMC chair consults the overall
PMC to finalize the agenda. The meeting agenda must be finalized two days
before the meeting and communicated on the project developer list. Agenda
items can include, but is not limited to, voting for changes to the PMC,
changes to the Committers group, and changes to the community governance
document. Only existing PMC members can vote on motions. For a motion to
carry, a majority of the votes that are cast must be in favor of the
motion. Ties are broken by the PMC Chair. Proxies are permitted, and must
be communicated to the PMC Chair prior to the meeting.

*Core Contributors, also the PMC (as of August 5, 2016):*
Harshad Deshmukh
Rogers Jeffrey Leo John
Hakan Memisoglu
Jignesh M. Patel (PMC Chair)
Navneet Potti
Saket Saurabh
Marc Spehlmann
Zuyu Zhang

Jianqiao Zhu

*Core Collaborators (as of August 5, 2016):*
Shoban Chandrabose
Craig Chasseur
Shixuan Fan
Julian Hyde
Yinan Li
Rathijit Sen
Roman Shaposhnik
Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj
Siddharth Suresh
Caleb Welton

> Qiang Zeng

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