Eli Barzilay wrote:
On Jun  8, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
Can't we just use the examples from our web site in a two-column format?

I think that the expectation is for a more conventional kind of "hello
world" thing.  But given that in many repl-based languages that's
going to be just

  "hello world"

then it's probably best to look around in other pages.

(And it's definitely worth it to remove the gui thing -- it reminded
me of a gui hello-world thing for DevStudio.)

I liked the scheme/gui example (although it should be changed to racket/gui). I think the world example should either go or be rewritten as a self-contained racket program (add the necessary require).

Slideshow might be another good hello-world variant:

  #lang slideshow
  (slide (t "Hello world!"))
  (slide (t "Well, good-bye."))


Another thing to consider is do we want complete programs (executable with racket or gracket, use #lang) or do we want repl-pasteable examples? Trying to paste a #lang-based example into a racket repl would probably frustrate a casual reader who says "sounds cool, let's try that example."

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