Sounds like a great idea to me and well worth trying at a larger scale.

One technical question: why not implement this as a reader that
converts things to the usual parenthesized versions of the program and
then, like the at-exp reader, allow people to write

  #lang p4p-exp racket

for the p4p version of 'racket', etc.

(And then start porting interesting looking files in the distribution
and leaving them ported.)


On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 12:45 PM, Shriram Krishnamurthi <> 
> I've been vexed for a while about parenthetical syntax: I love it,
> appreciate what it offers, but also recognize that no amount of
> teaching or arguing alters how people perceive it.  With the switch to
> Racket, and our continuing interest in user interface issues, I
> believe it is wise to consider an optional alternate syntax.
> I finally had a breakthrough last weekend on how to create a syntax
> that may be more palateable without losing the essence of
> parenthetical syntax.  As a preview, it does incorporate indentation,
> but in a good way.  You'll see.
> Feedback welcome.  The most important is whether you spot any flaws
> regarding predictable parsing.
> Here's a *non-permanent* URL where you can learn more:
> Shriram
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