Jay, coercions aka casts in our world are compound words with -> in between 
them. Why do you need a new name? 

(There is an inconsistency in their behavior. To wit

Welcome to Racket v5.0.99.4.
> (integer->char 1000000000000000)
integer->char: expects argument of type <exact integer in [0,#x10FFFF], not in 
[#xD800,#xDFFF]>; given 1000000000000000

 === context ===
> (string->number "a10")

But that is a historical problem.) 

;; --- 

I am also reluctant to throw contracts at dynamic places. Contract boundaries 
should be syntactically distinct, e.g., module boundaries or define/contract. 

;; --- 

I think you're really just checking an assertion. So perhaps you want to go 
with /a as a suffix. 

-- Matthias

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