On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 3:50 PM,  <ro...@racket-lang.org> wrote:
> 18dacad Robby Findler <ro...@racket-lang.org> 2010-12-09 10:20
> :
> | a first attempt at a rewording of the blame error messages to admit the 
> possibility that the contract was wrong and also to claim that fixing the 
> blamed module or the contract is all that is required
> |

For anyone following at home, the change turns this message

  (file /Users/clklein/tmp/contract-violator.rkt)
 broke the contract (-> any/c any/c any/c) on #:equiv argument of
test-->; expected a procedure that accepts 2 mandatory arguments
without any keywords, given: 1

into this one

/Users/clklein/tmp/contract-violator.rkt:9.17: found a contradiction
between the contract (-> any/c any/c any/c) on #:equiv argument of
test--> for
  (file /Users/clklein/tmp/contract-violator.rkt)
 and its implementation; expected a procedure that accepts 2 mandatory
arguments without any keywords, given: 1; to fix adjust either the
contract or the implementation of
  (file /Users/clklein/tmp/contract-violator.rkt)

Personally, I don't see the phrase "m broke the contract c" as
denying, or even suggesting, that c is wrong.

But I know that contracts are specifications and that specifications
have bugs too, so I'm not the reader you're worried about. If we're
seeing people misinterpret the message, I wonder if it would be better
to tack something like "The problem may be with m or with c" onto the
end of the old message.

That said, I'm a little worried about giving so much debugging advice
in the message. Consider this program.

#lang racket/load

(module m racket
  (define non-neg-num/c
    (and/c number? (not/c negative?)))
  (define abs-codom/c
  (define abs values)
   [abs (-> number? abs-codom/c)]
   [sqrt (-> non-neg-num/c non-neg-num/c)]))

(module n racket
  (require 'm)
  (sqrt (abs -7)))

(require 'n)

The resulting message says to fix either the contract on sqrt or the
module n, but the problem is really in the definition of abs (and its

Yes, n has a problem too (it should not use sqrt without protecting
itself with a stronger contract on abs), but someone who would misread
the original error message would probably not recognize this problem.
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