On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 8:55 PM, Asumu Takikawa <as...@ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
> On 2012-12-12 14:29:32 -0500, Ryan Culpepper wrote:
>> I'm trying to understand how things are supposed to work in planet2
>> without version information.
> Maybe this was discussed in the other (quite long) thread about Planet
> 2, but another thing that the lack of versions makes difficult is having
> both a development version of a package and a release version installed.
> That is, I find it useful to develop a package with a local link (e.g.,
> raco pkg install --link foo/). Eventually, I'll put up what I have on
> the central server. If I understand how things now work correctly,
> Planet 2 requires that I uninstall my local link and then install the
> uploaded package (since they have conflicting collections).
> If I subsequently work on my development version again, I have to
> manually uninstall and re-install the package. Doing this dance
> repeatedly is tedious.

Why aren't you just only using the development version?

As an aside in response to this whole thread, this is unbelievably
frustrating because both of my first two proposals w.r.t Planet 2
dealt with multiple versions, real dependency on the core (which P1
didn't have), actual enforcement of public/private modules (something
discussed on IRC yesterday), etc, and everyone hated that and said
they wanted something simpler like what OSes give. Now we have that
and people hate it. Argh.


Jay McCarthy <j...@cs.byu.edu>
Assistant Professor / Brigham Young University

"The glory of God is Intelligence" - D&C 93
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