On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 9:44 AM, Greg Hendershott <greghendersh...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> Is there a similarly simple/standard way to disable contracts?

I'd love a #lang like that. Never mind Tony Hoare's metaphor about sailing.
For now, I'm attaching a small patch that'll disable contracts (as far as I
can tell) on the current build; it's adapted from Leif's commits at [1].

;; ---

Please keep the bug reports coming!

It looks like the built-in function expt isn't defined correctly:

(module f racket
  (provide (contract-out [f (integer? . -> . integer?)]))
  (define (f n)
    (expt n n)))

Contract violation: 'f' violates 'expt'.
Wrong arity
An example module that breaks it:
  (module user racket (require (submid ".." f)) (f 0))

  (verification takes 0.035s)

[1] https://github.com/LeifAndersen/racket/tree/no-conracts
From e3a07fa756f47e0eb93be0811f245f1f814f028e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ben <ty...@ccs.neu.edu>
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 18:51:48 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] imported leif's no-contract changes

 racket/collects/racket/contract/private/base.rkt   |  7 +-
 .../collects/racket/contract/private/provide.rkt   | 80 +++++++++++-----------
 2 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

diff --git a/racket/collects/racket/contract/private/base.rkt b/racket/collects/racket/contract/private/base.rkt
index c7bb61c..cf0ca33 100644
--- a/racket/collects/racket/contract/private/base.rkt
+++ b/racket/collects/racket/contract/private/base.rkt
@@ -35,13 +35,10 @@
 (define-syntax (contract stx)
   (syntax-case stx ()
     [(_ c v pos neg name loc)
-     (syntax/loc stx
-       (apply-contract c v pos neg name loc))]
+     (syntax/loc stx v)]
     [(_ c v pos neg)
      (with-syntax ([name (syntax-local-infer-name stx)])
-      (syntax/loc stx
-        (apply-contract c v pos neg 'name
-                        (build-source-location #f))))]
+      (syntax/loc stx v))]
     [(_ c v pos neg src)
      (raise-syntax-error 'contract
diff --git a/racket/collects/racket/contract/private/provide.rkt b/racket/collects/racket/contract/private/provide.rkt
index 5356a64..b020493 100644
--- a/racket/collects/racket/contract/private/provide.rkt
+++ b/racket/collects/racket/contract/private/provide.rkt
@@ -350,42 +350,44 @@
             (raise-syntax-error #f "expected an identifier" stx #'new-id))
           (unless (identifier? #'orig-id)
             (raise-syntax-error #f "expected an identifier" stx #'orig-id))
-          (define-values (pos-blame-party-expr srcloc-expr)
-            (let loop ([kwd-args (syntax->list #'(kwd-args ...))]
-                       [pos-blame-party-expr #'(quote-module-path)]
-                       [srcloc-expr #f])
-              (cond
-                [(null? kwd-args) (values pos-blame-party-expr
-                                          (or srcloc-expr (stx->srcloc-expr stx)))]
-                [else
-                 (define kwd (car kwd-args))
-                 (cond 
-                   [(equal? (syntax-e kwd) '#:pos-source)
-                    (when (null? (cdr kwd-args))
-                      (raise-syntax-error #f "expected a keyword argument to follow #:pos-source"
-                                          stx))
-                    (loop (cddr kwd-args)
-                          (cadr kwd-args)
-                          srcloc-expr)]
-                   [(equal? (syntax-e kwd) '#:srcloc)
-                    (when (null? (cdr kwd-args))
-                      (raise-syntax-error #f "expected a keyword argument to follow #:srcloc"
-                                          stx))
-                    (loop (cddr kwd-args)
-                          pos-blame-party-expr
-                          (cadr kwd-args))]
-                   [else
-                    (raise-syntax-error #f "expected either the keyword #:pos-source of #:srcloc"
-                                        stx
-                                        (car kwd-args))])])))
-          (internal-function-to-be-figured-out #'ctrct
-                                               #'orig-id
-                                               #'orig-id
-                                               #'new-id
-                                               #'new-id
-                                               srcloc-expr
-                                               'define-module-boundary-contract
-                                               pos-blame-party-expr))])]))
+          (define new-id orig-id)
+          ;; (define-values (pos-blame-party-expr srcloc-expr)
+          ;;   (let loop ([kwd-args (syntax->list #'(kwd-args ...))]
+          ;;              [pos-blame-party-expr #'(quote-module-path)]
+          ;;              [srcloc-expr #f])
+          ;;     (cond
+          ;;       [(null? kwd-args) (values pos-blame-party-expr
+          ;;                                 (or srcloc-expr (stx->srcloc-expr stx)))]
+          ;;       [else
+          ;;        (define kwd (car kwd-args))
+          ;;        (cond 
+          ;;          [(equal? (syntax-e kwd) '#:pos-source)
+          ;;           (when (null? (cdr kwd-args))
+          ;;             (raise-syntax-error #f "expected a keyword argument to follow #:pos-source"
+          ;;                                 stx))
+          ;;           (loop (cddr kwd-args)
+          ;;                 (cadr kwd-args)
+          ;;                 srcloc-expr)]
+          ;;          [(equal? (syntax-e kwd) '#:srcloc)
+          ;;           (when (null? (cdr kwd-args))
+          ;;             (raise-syntax-error #f "expected a keyword argument to follow #:srcloc"
+          ;;                                 stx))
+          ;;           (loop (cddr kwd-args)
+          ;;                 pos-blame-party-expr
+          ;;                 (cadr kwd-args))]
+          ;;          [else
+          ;;           (raise-syntax-error #f "expected either the keyword #:pos-source of #:srcloc"
+          ;;                               stx
+          ;;                               (car kwd-args))])])))
+          ;; (internal-function-to-be-figured-out #'ctrct
+          ;;                                      #'orig-id
+          ;;                                      #'orig-id
+          ;;                                      #'new-id
+          ;;                                      #'new-id
+          ;;                                      srcloc-expr
+          ;;                                      'define-module-boundary-contract
+          ;;                                      pos-blame-party-expr)
+                                               )])]))
 ;; ... -> (or/c #f (-> blame val))
 (define (do-partial-app ctc val name pos-module-source source)
@@ -525,7 +527,7 @@
                        (loop (cdr clauses) exists-binders)
                        (cons (code-for-one-id provide-stx
                                               (syntax this-name) #f
-                                              (add-exists-binders (syntax contract) exists-binders)
+                                              (add-exists-binders (syntax any/c) exists-binders) ;; no more contract
                                               (syntax new-name))
                              (loop (cdr clauses) exists-binders))))]
                 [(rename this-name new-name contract)
@@ -560,7 +562,7 @@
                        (let ([sc (build-struct-code provide-stx
                                                     (syntax struct-name)
                                                     (syntax->list (syntax (field-name ...)))
-                                                    (map (λ (x) (add-exists-binders x exists-binders))
+                                                    (map (λ (x) (add-exists-binders (syntax any/c) exists-binders))
                                                          (syntax->list (syntax (contract ...))))
                          (cons sc (loop (cdr clauses) exists-binders)))))]
@@ -609,7 +611,7 @@
                        (loop (cdr clauses) exists-binders)
                        (cons (code-for-one-id provide-stx
                                               (syntax name) #f
-                                              (add-exists-binders (syntax contract)
+                                              (add-exists-binders (syntax any/c)
                              (loop (cdr clauses) exists-binders))))]

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