Please contact with gmane to update the info about the lists. I use its
service to access to the list with NNTP.
On 01/29/2015 01:47 AM, John Clements wrote:
Dear developers,
PLT would like to get out of the mailing-list administration game.
Accordingly, we’re planning to switch to Google Groups. Rather than
starting with our largest list, the Racket Users list, we’ve chosen to
begin with the dev list, because … well, you’re probably more tolerant,
if^H^H when something goes wrong.
We would like the transition to be as smooth as possible, and we can use
your help with this. Specifically, Google has a daily cap on the number of
e-mail addresses that can be bulk-added to a mailing list. For this reason,
it would speed the transition greatly if you could take a moment to sign up
for the new group yourself, using this URL:!forum/racket-dev
We plan to disable signup for the old group now, and to halt delivery of
mail to the existing group address tomorrow. You can post to the new group
(after signing up) by sending mail to
We plan to manually add or invite the members who do not add themselves,
but the daily cap will mean that these users are likely to miss one or more
days of postings to this list. Naturally, those posts will be archived, as
part of the group.
The archive of the existing list will continue to exist, though new
messages will not be added to it.
Let us know if you run into problems!
Many thanks,
John Clements & PLT
Racket Developers list:
Racket Developers list: