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(Updated Jan. 23, 2025, 1:16 p.m.) Review request for ranger, Madhan Neethiraj and Ramesh Mani. Bugs: RANGER-5111 https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/RANGER-5111 Repository: ranger Description (updated) ------- The Summary API should support distinct filtering capabilities that include all unique labels and keywords associated with the datashares returned in the response. Additionally, the API should provide the count of datashares linked to each specific label and keyword. This enhancement ensures that the data can be effectively utilized for advanced filtering on the UI. Diffs ----- agents-common/src/main/java/org/apache/ranger/plugin/model/RangerGds.java 260ebc0a8 security-admin/src/main/java/org/apache/ranger/biz/GdsDBStore.java 7916f0818 security-admin/src/main/java/org/apache/ranger/rest/GdsREST.java 0d3ef3d76 Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/75347/diff/1/ Testing ------- Tested locally. Summary view with filters(Labels & Keywords) of DataShares in GDS: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Request: ------- curl -X GET -u <username>:<pwd> '<ranger url>/service/gds/dataset/summarywithfilters?pageSize=1 Response: -------- Response consists of datasetSummary and filters datasetSummary: list of all datasets filters: map with relevant labels and keywords with dataset counts { "datasetSummary": { "startIndex": 0, "pageSize": 1, "totalCount": 8, "resultSize": 1, "sortType": "asc", "sortBy": "datasetId", "queryTimeMS": 1737664148576, "list": [ { "id": 1, "guid": "87662f8e-57af-40e3-8c92-45c108d474ac", "isEnabled": true, "createdBy": "Admin", "updatedBy": "Admin", "createTime": 1736362927000, "updateTime": 1736362927000, "version": 1, "name": "dataset-1", "permissionForCaller": "ADMIN", "principalsCount": { "USER": 1, "GROUP": 1, "ROLE": 0 }, "aclPrincipalsCount": { "USER": 1, "GROUP": 0, "ROLE": 0 }, "projectsCount": 0, "totalResourceCount": 4, "dataShares": [ { "id": 1, "guid": "d4596038-122d-476f-a5e5-55937e87e011", "isEnabled": true, "createdBy": "Admin", "updatedBy": "Admin", "createTime": 1736362834000, "updateTime": 1736362834000, "version": 1, "dataShareId": 1, "dataShareName": "datashare-1", "serviceId": 6, "serviceName": "cm_hive", "zoneName": " ", "resourceCount": 4, "shareStatus": "ACTIVE", "approver": "admin" } ] } ], "listSize": 1 }, "filters": { "aggregatedKeywords": { "kw1": 2, "testKW1": 1, "kw2": 2, "kw21": 3, "kw11": 3 }, "aggregatedLabels": { "abc1": 2, "test2": 2, "test21": 3, "abc111": 3, "testLabel1": 1 } } } Thanks, Radhika Kundam