Messages by Thread
Re: [PR] Bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2 in /security-admin/src/test/javascript [ranger]
via GitHub
Re: [PR] Bump ws and karma in /security-admin/src/test/javascript [ranger]
via GitHub
Re: [PR] Bump braces and karma in /security-admin/src/test/javascript [ranger]
via GitHub
Re: [PR] RANGER-3313 Remove org.apache.ranger.audit.entity.AuthzAuditEventDbOb… [ranger]
via GitHub
Review Request 75347: RANGER-5111: Enhance Datashare Summary API to Include Labels, Keywords, and Share Counts for Actionable Filters
Radhika Kundam
Re: Review Request 75347: RANGER-5111: Enhance Datashare Summary API to Include Labels, Keywords, and Share Counts for Actionable Filters
Radhika Kundam
Re: Review Request 75347: RANGER-5111: Enhance Datashare Summary API to Include Labels, Keywords, and Share Counts for Actionable Filters
Radhika Kundam
Re: Review Request 75347: RANGER-5111: Enhance Datashare Summary API to Include Labels, Keywords, and Share Counts for Actionable Filters
Madhan Neethiraj
Re: Review Request 75347: RANGER-5111: Enhance Datashare Summary API to Include Labels, Keywords, and Share Counts for Actionable Filters
Radhika Kundam
Re: Review Request 75347: RANGER-5111: Enhance Datashare Summary API to Include Labels, Keywords, and Share Counts for Actionable Filters
Madhan Neethiraj
Re: Review Request 75347: RANGER-5111: Enhance Datashare Summary API to Include Labels, Keywords, and Share Counts for Actionable Filters
Radhika Kundam
Re: Review Request 75347: RANGER-5111: Enhance Datashare Summary API to Include Labels, Keywords, and Share Counts for Actionable Filters
Madhan Neethiraj
Re: Review Request 75347: RANGER-5111: Enhance Datashare Summary API to Include Labels, Keywords, and Share Counts for Actionable Filters
Radhika Kundam
Re: Review Request 75347: RANGER-5111: Enhance Datashare Summary API to Include Labels, Keywords, and Share Counts for Actionable Filters
Ramesh Mani
Re: Review Request 75347: RANGER-5111: Enhance Datashare Summary API to Include Labels, Keywords, and Share Counts for Actionable Filters
Madhan Neethiraj
Re: Review Request 75347: RANGER-5111: Enhance Datashare Summary API to Include Labels, Keywords, and Share Counts for Actionable Filters
Radhika Kundam
Re: Review Request 75347: RANGER-5111: Enhance Datashare Summary API to Include Labels, Keywords, and Share Counts for Actionable Filters
Madhan Neethiraj
Re: Review Request 75347: RANGER-5111: Enhance Datashare Summary API to Include Labels, Keywords, and Share Counts for Actionable Filters
Radhika Kundam
Re: Review Request 75347: RANGER-5111: Enhance Datashare Summary API to Include Labels, Keywords, and Share Counts for Actionable Filters
Vyom Tiwari via Review Board
Re: Review Request 75347: RANGER-5111: Enhance Datashare Summary API to Include Labels, Keywords, and Share Counts for Actionable Filters
Radhika Kundam
Re: Review Request 75347: RANGER-5111: Enhance Datashare Summary API to Include Labels, Keywords, and Share Counts for Actionable Filters
Vyom Tiwari via Review Board
Re: Review Request 75347: RANGER-5111: Enhance Datashare Summary API to Include Labels, Keywords, and Share Counts for Actionable Filters
Radhika Kundam
Re: Review Request 75347: RANGER-5111: Enhance Datashare Summary API to Include Labels, Keywords, and Share Counts for Actionable Filters
Madhan Neethiraj
Re: Review Request 75347: RANGER-5111: Enhance Datashare Summary API to Include Labels, Keywords, and Share Counts for Actionable Filters
Radhika Kundam
Re: Review Request 75347: RANGER-5111: Enhance Datashare Summary API to Include Labels, Keywords, and Share Counts for Actionable Filters
Radhika Kundam
[jira] [Updated] (RANGER-5111) Enhance Datashare Summary API to Include Labels, Keywords, and Share Counts for Actionable Filters
Radhika Kundam (Jira)
Review Request 75346: RANGER-5109 : Ranger: Upgrade Swagger-UI to the latest 5.18.2
Dhaval Rajpara
Review Request 75345: RANGER-4983 : Ranger Audit Filter for the HBase service is not working as expected
Dhaval Rajpara
[jira] [Updated] (RANGER-4304) Update swagger version in Ranger
Mugdha Varadkar (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (RANGER-5111) Enhance Datashare Summary API to Include Labels, Keywords, and Share Counts for Actionable Filters
Radhika Kundam (Jira)
[jira] [Commented] (RANGER-5110) Update the FQDN of users and groups whenever it changes
[PR] RANGER-5110: Update the FQDN of users and groups whenever it changes [ranger]
via GitHub
[jira] [Updated] (RANGER-5110) Update the FQDN of users and groups whenever it changes
[jira] [Created] (RANGER-5110) Update FQDN of user, group whenever changed
[jira] [Commented] (RANGER-4887) Change default configuration values for column masking and row-level filtering on hive policy
Re: [PR] RANGER-3298. Add coarse option for Hive URI permission check [ranger]
via GitHub
Re: [PR] RANGER-3232 : A Potential NPE in Issue RANGER-980 [ranger]
via GitHub
Re: [PR] RANGER-3671: Fix chainedPlugin construct [ranger]
via GitHub
Re: [PR] [Trino Plugin] fix the test failure [ranger]
via GitHub
[jira] [Commented] (RANGER-4307) Allow the synchronization time interval of LDAP users to exceed the one hour limit, and users can customize the time interval
Abhishek Kumar (Jira)
Re: [PR] Patch reviewed [ranger]
via GitHub
Re: [PR] Schema registry ranger plugin [ranger]
via GitHub
Re: [PR] Release ranger 2.1.0 cdh 6.3.1 hylink [ranger]
via GitHub
Re: [PR] Added URL option for reading Keystore files [ranger]
via GitHub
Re: [PR] RANGER-3245 Install JDK from Ubuntu repository. Add job for ARM64 [ranger]
via GitHub
[PR] RANGER-5017: updated sources to address 'may produce NullPointerException' warning, and remove unnecessary generic parameters [ranger]
via GitHub
[PR] RANGER-5061: Fix for Admin audit page loading failure [ranger]
via GitHub
[jira] [Comment Edited] (RANGER-5106) Remove redundant mvn calls in README
Abhishek Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Resolved] (RANGER-5106) Remove redundant mvn calls in README
Abhishek Kumar (Jira)
[PR] RANGER-5102: Enable append mode for audits to hdfs with config param [ranger]
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[jira] [Created] (RANGER-5109) Ranger: Upgrade Swagger-UI to the latest 5.18.2
Dhaval Rajpara (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (RANGER-5108) Upgrade jquery-ui to 1.14.1
Bhavik Patel (Jira)
[jira] [Commented] (RANGER-4926) Alter Rename should not check for the CREATE permission on the database in which renamed table is created.
Jalpan Randeri (Jira)
[jira] [Resolved] (RANGER-5107) Update in plugin-nestedstructure
Abhishek Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (RANGER-5107) Update in plugin-nestedstructure
Abhishek Kumar (Jira)
[PR] RANGER-5106: Remove redundant mvn calls in README [ranger]
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Re: [PR] Remove redundant Maven lifecycle calls [ranger]
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[jira] [Created] (RANGER-5106) Remove redundant mvn calls in README
Abhishek Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Commented] (RANGER-3396) RangerPolicyItemRowFilterInfo::toString() method shows "RangerPolicyItemDataMaskInfo" as class name
Abhishek Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Resolved] (RANGER-5086) Bumpup protobuf to 3.25.5
Abhishek Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Updated] (RANGER-5091) Bump dnsjava to 3.6.2 due to cve-2024-25638
Abhishek Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Commented] (RANGER-5087) Bump nimbus-jose-jwt to 10.0.1
Abhishek Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Updated] (RANGER-4721) Ranger Admin server is not sending DataMasklabel for masking policy audit logs
Rakesh Gupta (Jira)
[jira] [Updated] (RANGER-5074) keyadmin user is able to get admin user logs
Rakesh Gupta (Jira)
[jira] [Resolved] (RANGER-5091) Bump dnsjava to 3.6.2 due to cve-2024-25638
Abhishek Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Resolved] (RANGER-5087) Bump nimbus-jose-jwt to 9.48
Abhishek Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Updated] (RANGER-5087) Bump nimbus-jose-jwt to 10.0.1
Abhishek Kumar (Jira)
[PR] RANGER-5104: Ranger Upgrade is failing while executing the PatchPreSql057_ForUpdateToUniqueGUID_J10052 [ranger]
via GitHub
[jira] [Commented] (RANGER-5097) Fix setOwnerUser function to ensure the Hive default {owner} policy works correctly
Raghav Aggarwal (Jira)
[jira] [Updated] (RANGER-5097) Fix setOwnerUser function to ensure the Hive default {owner} policy works correctly
Raghav Aggarwal (Jira)
[jira] [Resolved] (RANGER-5015) Implementing Best Practices While Exporting CSV and Excel Files
Rakesh Gupta (Jira)
[jira] [Commented] (RANGER-5064) usersync modules: update for code readability improvement
Abhishek Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (RANGER-5105) Make KMS Spring compliant
Vikas Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Updated] (RANGER-5015) Implementing Best Practices While Exporting CSV and Excel Files
Rakesh Gupta (Jira)
[jira] [Updated] (RANGER-4791) Fixing build issue for Phantomjs Auto configuration failed due to OPEN_SSL
Mugdha Varadkar (Jira)
[jira] [Resolved] (RANGER-4879) Config Update for HA Implementation needed for ranger-common-ha module
Rakesh Gupta (Jira)
[jira] [Resolved] (RANGER-4875) Improve API /api/zones/{zoneId}/service-headers to filter services based on zone module access.
Rakesh Gupta (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (RANGER-5104) Ranger Upgrade is failing while executing the PatchPreSql057_ForUpdateToUniqueGUID_J10052
Pradeep Agrawal (Jira)
Review Request 75342: RANGER-5015: Implementing Best Practices While Exporting CSV and Excel Files
Rakesh Gupta
[jira] [Commented] (RANGER-4879) Config Update for HA Implementation needed for ranger-common-ha module
Dineshkumar Yadav (Jira)
[jira] [Commented] (RANGER-4875) Improve API /api/zones/{zoneId}/service-headers to filter services based on zone module access.
Dineshkumar Yadav (Jira)
[jira] [Updated] (RANGER-4879) Config Update for HA Implementation needed for ranger-common-ha module
Dineshkumar Yadav (Jira)
[jira] [Resolved] (RANGER-4795) Add validation in API to check emptiness on policyitem while creating policy.
Rakesh Gupta (Jira)
[PR] RANGER-5103: RangerPluginConfig to support initialization with additional config files [ranger]
via GitHub
[jira] [Created] (RANGER-5103) RangerPluginConfig to support additional config files during initialization
Madhan Neethiraj (Jira)
[jira] [Updated] (RANGER-5103) RangerPluginConfig to support additional config files during initialization
Madhan Neethiraj (Jira)
[jira] [Updated] (RANGER-5102) Add config parameter to allow audits to HDFS in both WRITE and APPEND modes in case of errors/exceptions
Abhishek Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (RANGER-5102) Add config parameter to allow audits to HDFS in both WRITE and APPEND modes in case of errors/exceptions
Abhishek Kumar (Jira)
[PR] RANGER-5017: enable checkstyle in root pom.xml [ranger]
via GitHub
Review Request 75339: RANGER-4875: Improve API /api/zones/{zoneId}/service-headers to filter services based on zone module access.
Rakesh Gupta
Review Request 75338: RANGER-4879: Config Update for HA Implementation needed for ranger-common-ha module
Rakesh Gupta
Review Request 75337: RANGER-4795: Add validation in API to check emptiness on policyitem while creating policy.
Rakesh Gupta
[jira] [Updated] (RANGER-4795) Add validation in API to check emptiness on policyitem while creating policy.
Dineshkumar Yadav (Jira)
[jira] [Commented] (RANGER-4795) Add validation in API to check emptiness on policyitem while creating policy.
Dineshkumar Yadav (Jira)
[PR] RANGER-5061: checkstyle compliance updates - security-admin module [ranger]
via GitHub
[jira] [Resolved] (RANGER-5082) Upgrade Tomcat to 9.0.98
Sanket Shelar (Jira)
[jira] [Comment Edited] (RANGER-4038) Upgrade spring framework and spring security versions
AlexVazquez (Jira)
[PR] RANGER-5061: checkstyle compliance updates - security-admin module's biz and util package [ranger]
via GitHub
[jira] [Resolved] (RANGER-5094) Bump tomcat to 8.9.96
Basapuram Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Resolved] (RANGER-5095) Bump Atlas to 2.4.0 to fix CVE's
Abhishek Kumar (Jira)
Re: [PR] Bump mysql-connector-java from 5.1.31 to 8.0.28 [ranger]
via GitHub
[PR] RANGER-5064: checkstyle compliance updates - usersync - LdapUserGroupBuilder [ranger]
via GitHub
[jira] [Created] (RANGER-5100) Update Apache Ranger website with 2.6.0
Abhishek Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (RANGER-5101) Publish Apache Ranger release 2.6.0 artifacts
Abhishek Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (RANGER-5099) Change pom version from 2.6.0-SNAPSHOT to 2.6.0
Abhishek Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (RANGER-5098) Release Apache Ranger 2.6.0
Abhishek Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Assigned] (RANGER-4038) Upgrade spring framework and spring security versions
Bhavik Patel (Jira)
Review Request 75335: RANGER-5097: Fix setOwnerUser function to ensure the Hive default {owner} policy works correctly
Mahesh Bandal
[jira] [Created] (RANGER-5097) Fix setOwnerUser function to ensure the Hive default {owner} policy works correctly
Mahesh Bandal (Jira)
[jira] [Commented] (RANGER-5024) Upgrade Jetty dependency to address CVE-2024-8184
Basapuram Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Resolved] (RANGER-5072) Bump org.apache.avro:avro from 1.11.3 to 1.11.4
Basapuram Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Assigned] (RANGER-5092) Bump aws-java-sdk to 1.12.780
Basapuram Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Assigned] (RANGER-5091) Bump dnsjava to 3.6.2 due to cve-2024-25638
Basapuram Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Assigned] (RANGER-5087) Bump nimbus-jose-jwt to 9.48
Basapuram Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Assigned] (RANGER-5090) Bump netty to 4.1.116 due to CVE-2024-47535
Basapuram Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Assigned] (RANGER-4931) java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown column 'rangerusersyncID' in 'field list'
Basapuram Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Assigned] (RANGER-5023) Upgrade commons-io dependency to fix CVE-2024-47554
Basapuram Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Assigned] (RANGER-5086) Bumpup protobuf to 3.25.5
Basapuram Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Assigned] (RANGER-5094) Bump tomcat to 8.9.96
Basapuram Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Assigned] (RANGER-5072) Bump org.apache.avro:avro from 1.11.3 to 1.11.4
Basapuram Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Assigned] (RANGER-5024) Upgrade Jetty dependency to address CVE-2024-8184
Basapuram Kumar (Jira)
[jira] [Assigned] (RANGER-5095) Bump Atlas to 2.4.0 to fix CVE's
Basapuram Kumar (Jira)
[PR] RANGER-5061: checkstyle compliance updates - security-admin org.apach… [ranger]
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