We'll still need URL providers for class loading, so ultimately we still need DNS to locate a codebase server. ProtectionDomain.implies( ) checks based on URI don't consult DNS like URL does, it relies on RFC3986 normalisation of the CodeSource's URL string, it's effectively similar to DNS caching, except that you can now allow the DNS cache to expire without being exposed to the vulnerability. Because the jar file has been downloaded, there's no need to go out and download it again, DNS doesn't need to be consulted again.

For the case where DNS is already posioned, the safest option is to sign jar files and make policy grants to Certificate's or combinations of Certificates and URI.

To go one step further, for maximum security, we need to avoid Serialization prior to authentication, that means the lookup service (found using secure discovery) needs to be trusted and must not allow registration of untrusted services and proxy's themselves need to use secure connections also. (I know you know that Gregg, I just thought I'd reiterate it for the benefit of others).



On 29/04/2013 12:18 AM, Gregg Wonderly wrote:
The obvious issue is that Java's Applet Security manager was initially 
exploitable in Java-1.0, because the remote DNS config could be negotiated 
with, by the applet, to return a local network address so that name based 
checks would allow local network scanning to occur.  We need to make sure we 
don't open that door, again.

The DNS library services, in Java should keep this from happening, unless the 
default caching is changed to allow expiration.


Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 28, 2013, at 5:44 AM, Peter Firmstone<j...@zeus.net.au>  wrote:

All qa suite tests are now passing
All jtreg tests that are known to pass are passing (those that depend on a 
Kerberos Domain server and Squid do not as expected).

To address concurrency,the issue of threads starting during service server 
construction (River-418), a new interface has been created:


Any service that uses the start package can now delay starting of threads until 
construction is complete.  This prevents services from becoming visible to 
other threads before construction is complete, for compliance with the JMM.

All services except for Fiddler and Norm have been converted to use Starter, 
remaining services will be updated in River 2.3.1

A JIRA issue for each service will be created to document progress on Starter 

Security Infrastructure changes:

      1. org.apache.river.api.security.ConcurrentPolicyFile - copied
         from Apache Harmony and refactored for immutable concurrency,
         all implies permission checks are performed thread confined to
         avoid synchronization issues with PermissionCollection
         implementations.  PermissonCollection's are not shared among
         threads.  Permissions are granted to Principals and CodeSource
         signed by Certificate and / or by URI, not URL, this avoids
         consulting DNS to determine URL identity.
      2. net.jini.security.policy.DynamicPolicyProvider has been

   Changes to Policy.getPermissions(CodeSource codesource) semantics:

   The contract for Policy.getPermissions changed in Java 6:

       public PermissionCollection getPermissions(CodeSource codesource)
       Return a PermissionCollection object containing the set of
       permissions granted to the specified CodeSource.
       Applications are discouraged from calling this method since this
       operation may not be supported by all policy implementations.
       Applications should solely rely on the implies method to perform
       policy checks. If an application absolutely must call a
       getPermissions method, it should call
       The default implementation of this method returns
       Policy.UNSUPPORTED_EMPTY_COLLECTION. This method can be
       overridden if the policy implementation can return a set of
       permissions granted to a CodeSource.

       codesource - the CodeSource to which the returned
       PermissionCollection has been granted.
       a set of permissions granted to the specified CodeSource. If
       this operation is supported, the returned set of permissions
       must be a new mutable instance and it must support heterogeneous
       Permission types. If this operation is not supported,
       Policy.UNSUPPORTED_EMPTY_COLLECTION is returned.


   DynamicPolicy grants are no longer included when
   getPermissions(CodeSource codesource) is called, instead the method
   delegates to the underlying encapsulated base policy.

   ConcurrentPolicyFile getPermissions(CodeSource codesource) is
   implemented to return either privileged Permissions (CodeSource's
   granted AllPermission), or UNSUPPORTED_EMPTY_COLLECTION.   This is
   purely a performance optimisation, allowing
   ProtectionDomain.implies(Permission permission) to return early for
   privileged ProtectionDomain's without consulting the Policy provider.

Changes to ClassLoader infrastructure regarding codebase annotations:

  1. URL is no longer used as a Key in Collections.  This changes
     ClassLoading semantics slightly:
        1. Codebase annotations will be normalised as URI according to
           RFC3986 and compared for equality, remote code with
           identical codebases annotations will share a URLClassLoader.
        2. Previously codebases with different annotations would share
           a URLClassLoader if they resolved to the same IP address.            
This made firewall traversal and codebase replication
           difficult and also prevented the use of dynamically assigned
           IP addresses for codebase servers.
  2. A new class org.apache.river.api.net.Uri has been provided to
     implement RFC3986 compliance, it was copied from Apache Harmony
     and updated to strictly comply with RFC3986.  This new class does
     not support Serializable and is final and immutable.  It can be
     serialized in it's string form and reconstructed remotely by
     passing a string to its constructor.   It has identical method
     signatures to java.net.URI.  Originally java.net.URI was utilised,
     however while it implements RFC2396 and RFC2732, it doesn't
     strictly comply and allows additional characters that should be
     escaped in RFC2396, this means that a strictly compliant RFC2396
     URI in normalized for may not be equal to a java.net.URI.  In
     addition java.net.URI didn't support escaped characters in host
     names, which would prevent registered domains from some Locales
     from being used in codebase strings.
  3. URL and URN are both URI, previously only URL's were legal, so the
     expanded form also allows URN to be utilised legally as codebase
     annotations, this includes Rio's maven artifact URN scheme.
  4. PreferredClassLoader no longer lazily loads the preferred list,
     instead this is loaded during construction.

While these seem like huge semantic changes, the end result is codebase 
annotations will still resolve to their correct ClassLoader as they always 
have, but instead of using DNS to determine an IP addresses (in the case of 
http and httpmd URL's), identity will be based on the RFC3986 normalized form 
of the codebase string.  The ClassLoader will still use URL providers for 
resolving codebases.  For the real oddball case, where a developer expects 
three separate domain codebase annotations to resolve to the same IP address 
and use the same ClassLoader, that won't work anymore.

This won't be rushed out the door, plenty of time will be allowed for testing.

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