Hi Greg,

I'd like to suggest that River follow the conventions that align with whats 
recommended over in Rio (http://www.rio-project.org/conventions.html). This has 
been pretty successful using both Maven and Gradle (at this time I would go 
with Gradle btw).




> On Jan 5, 2015, at 1016PM, Greg Trasuk <tras...@stratuscom.com> wrote:
> I started working on making new demos and “getting started” stuff back before 
> the holidays.  Here’s my thinking…
> As Patricia alludes to, it really shouldn’t be necessary to build the River 
> distribution in order to try out some samples and get started.  After all, 
> the artifacts are published on Maven Central, so they can simply be 
> referenced in a Maven build (or Gradle, Ivy, Etc).
> Towards that end, I started building a new Mavenized ‘examples’ project, 
> which can be checked-out from 
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/river/river-examples/river-examples/trunk.
> In that project, there are currently modules for the service browser jars and 
> a ‘home’ folder for the compiled and packaged examples. (might be best to 
> download it and do a ‘mvn install site’).  There’s also documentation for the 
> examples under the main project (look at  
> <project-home>/target/site/index.html - this should be familiar to Maven 
> users).  The documentation currently includes how to build and run the 
> service browser (although I think right now it’s incomplete on how the 
> configuration works - haven’t looked at it since Dec 15).
> Right now, the project has a dependency on the new ‘river-rt-tools’ modules 
> that I talked about back in December as well.  So in order to run the 
> examples, you currently need to checkout 
> 'https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/river/river-rt-tools/trunk' and do a ‘mvn 
> install’ on it, which will install the runtime tool artifacts (start.jar) in 
> your local Maven cache.  In the end, those artifacts would also be released 
> and published on Maven Central, so you eventually wouldn’t need to build the 
> runtime tools separately.
> My plan is to add modules to the river-examples project for a 'hello-service’ 
> and ‘hello-client’, as well as a config for the infrastructure services 
> (Reggie, etc).  So eventually, the “getting started” instructions become 
> “have a look at ‘river-examples’”, and we’d remove the (very confusing, if 
> you ask me) ‘examples’ folder from the JTSK distribution.  As a bonus, we can 
> isolate new users from the convoluted build system in River.
> If this seems like a reasonable path forward for our “getting started” 
> experience, perhaps you’d like to work on bringing over some of the examples 
> from the JTSK to the ‘river-examples’ project. That’s probably also a good 
> way to re-familiarize yourself with Jini.  I probably won’t have any cycles 
> to work on it seriously for the next couple weeks, but could cheerfully make 
> suggestions.
> You should be able to check-out these two Maven project in the IDE of your 
> choice.  I was using NetBeans, but AFAIK, Eclipse should be able to use the 
> Maven build directly.  I just haven’t tried it.
> Cheers,
> Greg Trasuk.
> On Jan 5, 2015, at 6:07 PM, Patricia Shanahan <p...@acm.org> wrote:
>> I have completed buying a new home, moving into it, and selling the old one, 
>> followed by Christmas in England and recovery from the cold I caught there. 
>> That means I'm ready to get much more active in River.
>> Last year, we got some feedback suggesting that better support for new users 
>> might remove a barrier to community building. My main agenda is community 
>> building, so I want to work on that. I am going to be a very naive potential 
>> user, so stand by for basic questions.
>> I began by downloading the binary version, since in this mode I am not 
>> interested in being a River developer. However, when I looked at the 
>> "Getting Started" page, 
>> river.apache.org/user-guide-basic-river-services.html, it says:
>> "The instructions assume that you're building from source as checked out 
>> from the SVN trunk. Currently this is necessary because the code snippets 
>> below use methods and classes which, at time of writing, haven't made it 
>> into the latest binary release yet. Having said that, the code you will need 
>> in the binary release isn't to far removed from what you'll see below, so 
>> you can progress with the binary release if you want to and are happy 
>> odifying the code."
>> According to the page info, the "time of writing" was no later than November 
>> 23, 2013. Do I still need to do a River build before I can run the example? 
>> If so, why and what can I do to fix that?
>> I have no idea whether or not I would be happy "odifying" code - maybe 
>> "modifying"?
>> What is the best procedure for editing the "Getting Started" page? I want to 
>> make sure that any changes I make really are improvements, so I would like 
>> PMC review as I go along.
>> Patricia

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