> Hi Phil,
> Wow, you're really getting into the code, thank you.
> It's late here, I'll post again in the morning, just some quick
> clarifications, the discovery providers depend on the platform, but the
> platform shouldn't depend on the discovery providers, try removing that
> dependency from the platform pom.
> There will be some classes that need untangling.

Yeah, that's the problem. There's definitely two-way coupling between
the classes in those modules.  I'm not qualified to sort it out
though, as I really don't know much about this code-base at the
moment. Which is why I refer to what I did as a "brute force"
approach. I used a machete and a backhoe to move stuff around until I
had something that would compile... somebody needs to go in with a
surgeon's scalpel and do a neater job.

If I find some time I'll go back and try to recreate the intermediate
state I was at where *almost* everything was compiling, with the
problems being the coupled classes between those modules, and post
some notes on where the coupling is.

In the meantime, the patch to get from a raw checkout  of
http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/river/jtsk/modules to the compilable
setup I hacked up, is attached to the RIVER-300 ticket in Jira.


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